City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Resolution No. 81-18 - 2018 - A Resolution Renaming Devils Thumb Drive to Zenith Lane Office of the City Clerk 194.0 KB RESDOC/5599
Resolution No. 82-18 - 2018 - A Resolution Renaming Jarvis Way to Dos Rios Drive Located in Jarvis Subdivision, Filing Three Office of the City Clerk 196.4 KB RESDOC/5600
Resolution No. 84-18 - 2018 - A Resolution Consenting to Assignment of the Cable Television Franchise Agreement Office of the City Clerk 381.3 KB RESDOC/5601
Resolution No. 85-18 - 2018 - A Resolution Accepting a Petition for the Annexation of Lands to the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, Making Certain Findings, and Determining that Property Known as the Frog Pond Annexation, Located at 2501 Monument Road i Office of the City Clerk 487.1 KB RESDOC/5602
Ordinance No. 4824 - 2018 - An Ordinance Appropriating Certain Sums of Money to Defray the Necessary Expenses and Liabilities of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado and the Downtown Development Authority for the Year Beginning January 1, 2019 and Ending Office of the City Clerk 512.5 KB ORD/9627
Ordinance No. 4818 - 2018 - An Ordinance to Repeal Chapter 2.28 of the City of Grand Junction Municipal Code and to Reenact Chapter 2.28 Describing the Functions of the Municipal Court Office of the City Clerk 4.8 MB ORD/9628
Ordinance No. 4825 - 2018 - An Ordinance Annexing Territory to the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, Frog Pond Annexation Approximately 4.49 Acres, Located at 2501 Monument Road Office of the City Clerk 1.0 MB ORD/9629
Ordinance No. 4826 - 2018 - An Ordinance Zoning the Frog Pond Annexation to Planned Development (PD) With R-5 (Residential, 5 du/ac) and CSR (Community Services and Recreation) Default Zone Districts, Located at 2501 Monument Road Office of the City Clerk 1.7 MB ORD/9630
Resolution No. 83-18 - 2018 - A Resolution Authorizing an Agreement Between the City of Grand Junction and the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) to Install Automated License Plate Readers on CDOT Intelligent Transportation Systems Office of the City Clerk 205.1 KB RESDOC/5603