City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Wellness Program Disclosure_2024 Annual Notice Human Resources 1.3 MB FORM/1002
Exhibit 1 Vicinity Map RFP-5303-23-DD Purchasing 714.2 KB SOLDOC/27092
Exhibit 2 Overview Site Aerial Photograph RFP-5303-23-DD Purchasing 179.5 KB SOLDOC/27093
Exhibit 3 Mobility Hub Concept RFP-5303-23-DD Purchasing 479.0 KB SOLDOC/27094
Exhibit 4 2nd Street Promenade Concept RFP-5303-23-DD Purchasing 852.8 KB SOLDOC/27095
Exhibit 5 Illustrative Site Drawings RFP-5303-23-DD Purchasing 1.0 MB SOLDOC/27096
Exhibit 6 CDOT I-70 B South of Rood Avenue Improvements RFP-5303-23-DD Purchasing 866.1 KB SOLDOC/27097
Exhibit 7 Riverfront at Dos Rios to Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Concept RFP-5303-23-DD Purchasing 337.2 KB SOLDOC/27098
Exhibit 8 Environmental Site Assessment RFP-5303-23-DD Purchasing 11.8 MB SOLDOC/27099
Site Visit Sign-In Sheet IFB-5299-23-KF Purchasing 304.1 KB SOLDOC/27100
Ordinance No. 5175 - 2023 - An Ordinance Making Supplemental Appropriations to the 2023 Budget of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado for the Year Beginning January 1, 2023 and Ending December 31, 2023 for Joseph Center Expansion Project Office of the City Clerk 291.4 KB ORD/9973
Ordinance No. 5176 - 2023 - An Ordinance Adopting Policies and Procedures for Purchasing of Equipment, Materials, Supplies and Specialized, Expert and Technical Services and Work Including Specialized, Technical and Expert Personnel for Work and Services to be Performed by or for the City of Grand Junction, Colorado Office of the City Clerk 8.9 MB ORD/9974
Ordinance No. 5177 - 2023 - An Ordinance Annexing Territory to the City of Grand Junction, Colorado Tallman Enclave Annexation Located in the Orchard Mesa Commercial Park Subdivison (Book 11, Page 319) Including 2735 through 2739 Highway 50 and 2736 ½ through 2736 B ¼ Road Approximately 23.35 Acres Office of the City Clerk 824.5 KB ORD/9975
Ordinance No. 5178 - 2023 - An Ordinance Zoning Tallman Enclave Annexation to C-2 (General Commercial) Zone District and R-8 (Residential 8 Du/Ac) Zone District Located in the Orchard Mesa Commercial Park Subdivison (Book 11, Page 319) Including 2735 through 2739 Highway 50 and 2736 ½ through 2736 B ¼ Road Office of the City Clerk 928.8 KB ORD/9976
Ordinance No. 5179 - 2023 - An Ordinance Annexing Territory to the City of Grand Junction, Colorado Adams Enclave Annexation Located at 2738 B ¼ Road Approximately 0.23 Acres Office of the City Clerk 656.4 KB ORD/9977