City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Ordinance No. 5202 - 2024 - An Ordinance Rezoning from R-1 (Residential - 1 Du/Ac) to R-5 (Residential – 5 Du/Ac) Zone District Located at 2428 H Road Tax Parcel No. 2701-283-04-001 Office of the City Clerk 429.6 KB ORD/9998
Ordinance No. 5199 - 2024 - Enacting a Moratorium with Findings, Intent and Purpose to Extend the Prohibition on the Establishment of Any New or Relocation of Existing Gaming Arcades or Gaming Uses Within the City of Grand Junction; Providing that the Moratorium Shall Be In Effect for a Period Which Shall Terminate at the Earliest of the City’s Adoption of Further Amendment(S) to Title 21 and/or Title 9 of the Grand Junction Municipal Code or the Expiration of 365 Days from the Effective Date of this Ordinance Office of the City Clerk 372.1 KB ORD/9999
Resolution No. 12-24 - 2024 - A Resolution Supporting the Application for the Dola Strong Communities Grant Office of the City Clerk 363.6 KB RESDOC/6554
Resolution No. 13-24 - 2024 - A Resolution Confirming the School Land Dedication Fee for a Period Of 30 Days Office of the City Clerk 372.9 KB RESDOC/6555
City Council Summary - 2024 - February 5 - Workshop Office of the City Clerk 219.9 KB CCMIN/5768
City Council Minutes - 2024 - February 7 - Regular Meeting Office of the City Clerk 130.4 KB CCMIN/5769
Addendum 6 RFP-5367-24-KF Purchasing 543.0 KB SOLDOC/28037
Addendum No. 1 Design Build Hawthorne Park RFP-5388-24-DD Purchasing 54.8 KB SOLDOC/28039
Bid Tabulation RFQ-5385-24-KH Purchasing 98.8 KB SOLDOC/28058
Solicitation Study Flow and Level Meter Purchase RFQ-5403-24-DD Purchasing 1.8 MB SOLDOC/28059
Resolution No. 11-24 - 2024 - A Resolution Referring a Petition to the City Council for the Annexation of Lands to the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, Setting a Hearing on Such Annexation, and Exercising Land Use Control Office of the City Clerk 735.5 KB RESDOC/6556
Contract - 2024 - ADU Production Program/Covenant Agreement - 531 Fairview Ave - Lynn & Jay Fletcher Office of the City Clerk 1.1 MB CCON/5006