City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Contract - 2024 - Professional Right of Way Acquisition Services - HDR Engineering, Inc. Office of the City Clerk 52.9 MB CCON/5020
Contract - 2024 - Professional Right of Way Acquisition Services - Transportation Resource Services, Inc., d/b/a (TRS Corp.) Office of the City Clerk 8.6 MB CCON/5021
Bid Recap RFQ-5415-24-DD Purchasing 75.0 KB SOLDOC/28373
Pre-Bid Sign In Sheet RFQ-5422-24-DD Purchasing 499.7 KB SOLDOC/28379
Site Plans RFQ-5429-24-KH Purchasing 2.0 MB SOLDOC/28380
Interior Lighting Compliance Report RFQ-5429-24-KH Purchasing 244.8 KB SOLDOC/28381
Specification Sheets RFQ-5429-24-KH Purchasing 3.0 MB SOLDOC/28382
Resolution No. 18-24 - 2024 - A Resolution Referring a Petition to the City Council for the Annexation of Lands to the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, Setting a Hearing on Such Annexation, and Exercising Land Use Control Five Star Annexation Approximately 0.11 Acres Located East of the Northern End of Allyce Avenue Office of the City Clerk 500.5 KB RESDOC/6559
Ordinance No. 5205 - 2024 - An Ordinance Amending Sections of the Zoning and Development Code (Title 21 of the Grand Junction Municipal Code) Regarding Withdrawn Applications, Public Notice Requirements, Planned Developments, Adding a Use for Public Parking, Accessory Dwelling Unit (Adu) Standards, Drive-Through Facility Standards, and Fence Standards Office of the City Clerk 2.9 MB ORD/10005
Ordinance No. 5206 - 2024 - An Ordinance Amending Title 25 24 Road Corridor Design Standards Regarding Alternate Streets Requests for Widths of Pedestrian Walks Office of the City Clerk 458.2 KB ORD/10006
Ordinance No. 5207 - 2024 - An Ordinance to Update Zone Districts to Reflect Revisions in the Adoption of the 2023 Zoning & Development Code by Amending Title 22, Title 23, Title 24, Title 25, Title 26, And Title 27 Office of the City Clerk 868.0 KB ORD/10007
Bid Plan Set IFB-5428-24-DD Purchasing 10.1 MB SOLDOC/28388