City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Easement - 545 28 1/4 Road Parcel No. E149 Right-of-Way - James E. Hall, Kathleen W. Hall, Randy D. Wheelis, and Erin P. Wheelis Office of the City Clerk 241.1 KB EPDOC/462
Easement - 2714 Unaweep Avenue Unaweep Avenue Improvements Project - E. J. Hall Office of the City Clerk 237.0 KB EPDOC/463
Easement - Right-of-Way Agreement for Sewer Line, O. M. Phase 1 - Paul J. Hammond and Margaret M. Hammond Office of the City Clerk 157.2 KB EPDOC/464
Easement - 2100 Block of North 12th Street of North Monterey Park SSD #20 - Edla Hansen and Evalyn M. Taylor Office of the City Clerk 111.3 KB EPDOC/465
Easement - 610 26 1/2 Road East Side of 7th Street Just North of Patterson Road - Eugene L. Hansen and Virginia M. Hansen Office of the City Clerk 192.9 KB EPDOC/466
Easement - 2393 Broadway, Perpetual Easement for The Replacement of Sanitary Sewer Facilities. Lot 5 , Watson's Subdivision - Betty J Harbig Office of the City Clerk 280.8 KB EPDOC/467
Easement - 818 26 Road - Sanitary Sewer Easement - Barbara Hartshorn Office of the City Clerk 221.4 KB EPDOC/468
Easement - South Line of Southeast Quarter of The Northwest Quarter of Section 32, Township 1 North, Range 1 East, Ute Meridian, Walker Field Airport Runway, Clear Zone at End of Runway - John E. Hartman and Marjy Hartman Office of the City Clerk 194.3 KB EPDOC/469
Easement - Right-of-Way Agreement for Sewer Line, O. M. Phase 1, Lot 16, Block 9, Orchard Mesa Heights - Kenneth and Gertie Harvey Office of the City Clerk 140.2 KB EPDOC/470
Easement - Cimarron North Subdivision, Part of Lot 7 Linda Subdivision - Sanford G Harris and Wanda F Harris Office of the City Clerk 193.4 KB EPDOC/471
Easement - Lot 3 of Grandview Subdivision Right-of-Way for Utilities - Era Mae Harris To Charles Holmes Office of the City Clerk 158.2 KB EPDOC/472
Easement - Multipurpose Easement - Robert H Hatzenbuehler & Judith R Hatzenbuehler Office of the City Clerk 142.4 KB EPDOC/473
Easement - 2656 F Road (Patterson Road, East of 7th Street) - Utility, Drainage, and Irrigation Road Right-of-Way - Walter H. and Ethel P. Hatmaker Office of the City Clerk 153.0 KB EPDOC/474
Easement - 576 25 Road, Utility Easement, 25 Road Storm Sewer Improvements, Lot 1 Block 2 Weslo Commercial Subdivision - Hough-Abby Trust by Howard Jensen and Avanell Jensen Office of the City Clerk 209.4 KB EPDOC/475
Easement - Lot 2, Houston Heights Subdivision , ST ID-84, Phase A, 15th Street From F Road South To The Grand Valley Canal, NE Corner of 15th Street and Wellington Avenue for Roadway Slope and Drainage Purposes - Samuel T. Haupt and Kenneth M. Shrum Office of the City Clerk 193.5 KB EPDOC/476