City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Contract - 2005 - Pool Spray Ground Play Equipment at Lincoln Park Moyer Pool - J Dyer Construction Inc Office of the City Clerk (Destroyed) 0 bytes CCON/1481
Contract - 1998 - Independence Valley Subdivision Filing No. 3 Sewer Service Provided by Persigo 201 Area - James D. West Office of the City Clerk 172.1 KB CCON/1482
Contract - 1994 - Lot 26 and Lot 27 of Block 3 of Westgate Commercial Subdivision To Be Treated as One Parcel for The Principal Use and To Satisfy Requirements for Any and All Structures Constructed - 574 Northgate Drive - Lee F. Jensen Office of the City Clerk 197.8 KB CCON/1484
Contract - 1997 - 693 25 Road Johnson Minor Subdivision Lot 1 and Lot 2 - Gary Edward Johnson and Vicki Mary Johnson Office of the City Clerk 157.6 KB CCON/1486
Contract - 2001 - D. O. E. Sanitary Sewer Lift Station Replacement - R. W. Jones Construction, Inc. Office of the City Clerk (Destroyed) 0 bytes CCON/1493
Contract - 1988 - Right To Construct, Operate, Maintain and Terminate Water Pipeline Right-of-Way Involving Purdy Mesa Reservoir and Juniata Reservoir - United States Department of The Interior Bureau of Land Management Office of the City Clerk 1.5 MB CCON/1495
Contract - 1995 - Easement for a Sewer Line To Convey Sewage From Powell Estates Subdivision Lots To Persigo Wastewater Treatment Plant - Just Companies, Inc., by Ed Lenhart and Fountainhead Development Corporation Office of the City Clerk 173.9 KB CCON/1496
Contract - 2006 - Asbestos Removal at 2543 River Road and 721 West Grand Avenue - Kingston Environmental Services Office of the City Clerk (Destroyed) 0 bytes CCON/1499
Contract - 2010 - Hardware Maintenance for All Cisco Equipment - Key Government Finance, Inc. Office of the City Clerk 419.9 KB CCON/1501
Contract - 2005 - City Hall Information Services Addition (IFB No. 850-05-RS)(GIS) - K & G Enterprises, Inc Office of the City Clerk (Destroyed) 0 bytes CCON/1502
Contract - 2006 - Asbestos Abatement for Van Gundy's AMPCO Properties - Kingston Environmental Services, Inc. Office of the City Clerk (Destroyed) 0 bytes CCON/1505
Contract - 2005 - 2520 Highway 6 & 50 Site Location Expansion Appeal Withdrawl (Appeal of Director's Decision) - Kissner Enterprises, LLC. (Pine Country, Inc. ) Office of the City Clerk 85.6 KB CCON/1506
Contract - 2006 - Storm and/or Surface Water Will Be Discharged Into The Copeco Drainage Ditch Owned by Grand Junction Drainage District - 2155 H Road, Monument Truck Office, Shop, and Warehouse - Knight and Durmas Properties LLC Office of the City Clerk 193.5 KB CCON/1507
Contract - 1994 - 931 North 1st Street Conditions for Building Permit and Occupancy Permit Set Forth for Larry Badini and His Successors - Knowlton Auto Sales, Larry J. Badini Office of the City Clerk 488.0 KB CCON/1508
Contract - 2005 - Re-roof of Riverside Community Center - Kruger Roofing Inc. Office of the City Clerk (Destroyed) 0 bytes CCON/1509