City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Contract - 2009 - 29 Road/I-70 Business Loop Interchange Project - Mesa State College Real Estate Foundation Office of the City Clerk 1.2 MB CCON/1669
Contract - 1981 - The Use of Grand Valley Irrigation Water Owned by The City of Grand Junction - Mesa State College Office of the City Clerk 230.2 KB CCON/1676
Contract - 1995 - Removal/Disposal of Outdated Chemicals Used In Water and Waste Water Analysis and Purification Indemnification - Mesa State College Office of the City Clerk 197.9 KB CCON/1677
Contract - 1998 - Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) Relating to City Growth and Joint Policy Making for the Persigo Sewer System - Mesa County (Persigo Agreement) Office of the City Clerk 731.8 KB CCON/1678
Contract - 1999 - Interim Joint Plan Consistency Review and Plan Amendment Process for The Joint Urban Area Plan - Mesa County Office of the City Clerk 220.4 KB CCON/1679
Contract - 2007 - Pear Park Elementary Bicycle/Pedestrian Access Improvements - Mesa County Valley School District #51, Mesa County, City of Grand Junction Office of the City Clerk 212.4 KB CCON/1680
Contract - 1915 - Telephone Equipment Operation and Maintenance - Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company Office of the City Clerk 150.5 KB CCON/1683
Contract - 1998 - 2460 and 2460 1/2 Highway 6 and 50, Shiner's Car Wash and Lube Center, Both Lots as One Parcel, Lots 1 and 2 Block 1 Mesa Mall East - Michael E. and Teri G. T. Gunter Office of the City Clerk 168.5 KB CCON/1687
Contract - 2005 - Piping of The State Home Drain - Mountain Valley Contracting Office of the City Clerk (Destroyed) 0 bytes CCON/1688
Contract - 1988 - 661 Struthers Avenue - Removal of Water Service - Karl G. Metzner for City of Grand Junction Office of the City Clerk 114.0 KB CCON/1690
Contract - 1989 - 655 Struthers Avenue - Removal of Water Service - Karl G. Metzner for City of Grand Junction Office of the City Clerk 118.8 KB CCON/1691
Contract - 1989 - 724 Colorado Avenue - Removal of Water Service - Carroll E. Multz Office of the City Clerk 112.7 KB CCON/1692
Contract - 1987 - 551 South Avenue - Removal of Water Service - Tommy L. Muncy & Paula M. Muncy Office of the City Clerk 125.4 KB CCON/1693
Contract - 1995 - 411 W. Chipeta Avenue - Douglas P. Murphy Office of the City Clerk 216.6 KB CCON/1694
Contract - 2006 - Independent Alley Improvement - Mountain Valley Contracting, Inc. Office of the City Clerk (Destroyed) 0 bytes CCON/1695