City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Contract - 1973 - Contract 26621 Covering A 12-inch Diameter Storm Sewer Pipe Line Crossing at 4th Ave. and S. 10th Street Railroad Right-of-Way - The Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company By: J. A. Greener (Superintendent) Office of the City Clerk 982.1 KB CCON/1836
Contract - 2004 - Untreated Water To Redlands Mesa Golf Course Community Development - Red Junction LLC Office of the City Clerk 238.6 KB CCON/1838
Contract - 1990 - Water Permit Dated July 9, 1990, To Obtain Untreated Raw Water, Kannah Creek Flowline - Roy L. Anderson Office of the City Clerk 192.9 KB CCON/1839
Contract - 1991 - District Plan and Agreement - Ridges Metropolitan District Office of the City Clerk 1.6 MB CCON/1840
Contract - 2005 - Reciprocal Cross Access Easement - 2340 I-70 Frontage Road - RMEC Properties, LLC. Office of the City Clerk 250.3 KB CCON/1841
Contract - 1997 - Rural Fire Protection Cost Share Analysis City RFP No 30-97 Consulting Services - Rocky Mountain Group Office of the City Clerk 530.9 KB CCON/1842
Contract - 1997 - Ridges Metro District Water Right 3 C. F. S. - Redlands Mesa, LLC Office of the City Clerk 363.7 KB CCON/1843
Contract - 2009 - Approving The Service Plan Which Includes Financing of Improvements On Approximately 65 Acres In Redlands Mesa - Redlands Mesa Metropolitan District Office of the City Clerk 377.6 KB CCON/1844
Contract - 2008 - Artwork for The Fifth Street and Riverside Parkway Interchange - Reven Marie Swanson, China Cat Sunflower LLC Office of the City Clerk 325.5 KB CCON/1846
Contract - 1977 - Construction of A Sewage Collection System and City Sewage Collection and Disposal Facility for Round Hill Sewer Association - Roundhill Sewer Association Office of the City Clerk 171.7 KB CCON/1850
Contract - 2004 - Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds for Equipment Purchase and Operational Expenses - Radio Reading Services of The Rockies Office of the City Clerk (Destroyed) 0 bytes CCON/1852
Contract - 1997 - Westgate Park, Lots 18, 20 and 22 In Block 5 - Rod Statler Office of the City Clerk 122.3 KB CCON/1853
Contract - 2009 - Parking Garage Access To Conduct Site Assessment In Conjunction With The Colorado Department of Labor and Employment Division (OPS) Lust Trust Cleanup Program for 435 Rood Avenue (Rood Avenue Parking Plaza) - Rule Engineering (DDA) Office of the City Clerk 97.6 KB CCON/1855
Contract - 2009 - Parking Garage Access To Conduct Site Assessment In Conjunction With The Colorado Department of Labor and Employment Division (OPS) Lust Trust Cleanup Program for 130 North 4th Street (Rood Avenue Parking Plaza) - Rule Engineering Office of the City Clerk 97.3 KB CCON/1856
Contract - 2007 - Riverview Estates Subdivision Notice of "Lots Cannot Be Built Upon" Until Easement Is Released - 280 29 Road - Riverview Estates, LLC. Office of the City Clerk 318.6 KB CCON/1857