City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Contract - 2005 - Demolition of 1001 South 5th Street - R. W. Jones Construction Office of the City Clerk (Destroyed) 0 bytes CCON/1860
Contract - 2006 - Demolition and Cleanup at 820 Struthers Avenue and 545 Noland Avenue - RW Jones Construction Inc Office of the City Clerk (Destroyed) 0 bytes CCON/1861
Contract - 1981 - Sewer Service Agreement, Railhead Water and Sanitation District Pretreatment Program, Connecting The City's Trunk and Outfall Sewer Lines, Supplemental Agreement, Resolution - Railhead Water and Sanitation District Office of the City Clerk 483.0 KB CCON/1862
Contract - 2001 - Sidewalk Construction - Lanai Drive - Reyes Construction, Inc. Office of the City Clerk 854.3 KB CCON/1864
Contract - 2008 - Intergovernmental Agreement for Chipeta Elementary School Gymnasium at 950 Chipeta Avenue - Mesa County Valley School District No. 51 - P&R Office of the City Clerk 994.6 KB CCON/1867
Contract - 1982 - Memorandum of Agreement Dated July, 1982 To Coordinate The Management and Direction of The Operation of The Orchard Mesa Community Center Pool - School District No. 51 and County of Mesa - P&R Office of the City Clerk 136.0 KB CCON/1868
Contract - 1994 - An Agreement To Provide The City Rights To Purchase, and An Option To Lease The Property as A Public Park Located at Orchard Mesa Middle School- Eagle Rim Park - Mesa County Valley School District No. 51 - P&R Office of the City Clerk 251.3 KB CCON/1869
Contract - 1994 - For The Annexation Into The City of Grand Junction - Saccomanno Girls Trust Office of the City Clerk 213.0 KB CCON/1870
Contract - 2001 - Agreement for Satisfaction of Platting Condition, Lot 3, Horizon Park Subdivision - Safeway, Inc. Office of the City Clerk 254.2 KB CCON/1871
Contract - 1996 - Sanitary Sewer Lift Station at 588 3/4 29 Road - Safeway Stores 46, Incorporated Office of the City Clerk 603.3 KB CCON/1873
Contract - 1995 - Reimbursement Agreement To Recoup Some Costs Incurred In Construction of Sewer Trunk Line Extension, Overlook Subdivision, 540 South Broadway, Lot 3 - John Schumacher and Mary Schumacher Office of the City Clerk 404.0 KB CCON/1881
Contract - 1982 - Memorandum of Agreement To Coordinate The Location, Funding and Construction of A Swimming Pool Complex at The Orchard Mesa Junior High School (Orchard Mesa Community Center Pool) - School District No. 51 and County of Mesa - P&R Office of the City Clerk 143.7 KB CCON/1884
Contract - 2003 - Agreement for Indemnity To Hold The City Harmless Against Liabilities Arising by Any Parties To The "Operating Agreement" and REA - SDG Macerich Properties, L. P. Office of the City Clerk 265.4 KB CCON/1886
Contract - 2007 - Assignment of Rights and Obligations Pertaining To An Agreement Between GVIC and General Growth Pertaining To Properties In and Around Mesa Mall - Grand Valley Irration Company (GVIC), SDG Macerich Properties, L. P. Office of the City Clerk 1.5 MB CCON/1888
Contract - 1970 - State Highway Right-of-Way West of First Street Along The South Side of S. H. 6, Lilac Park - State Department of Highways, Division of Highways Office of the City Clerk 214.7 KB CCON/1889