City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Contract - 2006 - 2006 Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Replacement Phase A - BPS Concrete Inc Office of the City Clerk (Destroyed) 0 bytes CCON/1005
Contract - 1975 - Sewer Collection System To Serve Brach Shopping Center Dated April 4, 1975 - Louis R. Brach and Betty M. Brach Office of the City Clerk 121.3 KB CCON/1014
Contract - 1994 - Horizon Park East Subdivision Sewer Service - G Road and Horizon Drive - Mr. W. R. Bray Office of the City Clerk (Destroyed) 0 bytes CCON/1015
Contract - 1979 - Construction of a Sewage Collection System To Serve Pioneer Village South Subdivision and To Connect With The City's Sewage Collection and Disposal Facilities - Brach Inc. Office of the City Clerk 107.0 KB CCON/1016
Contract - 1995 - Redlands Diversion Dam, Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Fish Passage Facilities To Enhance The Endangered Fish Species In The Colorado River Basin (Fish Ladder) - US Bureau of Reclamation and US Fish and Wildlife Service Office of the City Clerk 380.3 KB CCON/1017
Contract - 2008 - 23 Shares of The Capital Stock (Water) of Grand Mesa Reservoir Company - Michael Bradbury Office of the City Clerk 325.3 KB CCON/1018
Contract - 2008 - Franchise Bond To Use The Public Streets and Places To Construct, Operate and Maintain A Cable Television System Within The City of Grand Junction - Bresnan Communications, LLC. Office of the City Clerk 191.2 KB CCON/1019
Contract - 1978 - Sewer Tap Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) - 280 1/2 Mountain View Street - John R. Brown and Carol Brown Office of the City Clerk 190.3 KB CCON/1020
Contract - 2010 - Duct across Riverside Parkway railroad overpass bridge for fiber optic cable - Bresnan Communications, Inc. Office of the City Clerk 270.5 KB CCON/1021
Contract - 2008 - Easement Maintenance Agreement - Brightstar Golf Redlands Mesa LLC Office of the City Clerk 293.7 KB CCON/1022
Contract - 2002 - The Combined Sewer Elimination Project - Several City Locations Consisting of Phase I & Phase II - The Sear Brown Group, Inc., Office of the City Clerk (Destroyed) 0 bytes CCON/1023
Contract - 2007 - Municipal Recreation Agreement Furnishing Historic Users Pool Surplus Water From Green Mountain Reservoir for Non-Consumptive Municipal Recreation Uses Through the Reach of the Colorado River - Bureau of Reclamation, United States, etal Office of the City Clerk 2.6 MB CCON/1028
Contract - 2006 - Private Streets Maintenance Agreement - 650 24 1/2 Road - Brookwillow Village Subdivision Office of the City Clerk 255.1 KB CCON/1030
Contract - 2002 - Pantuso's Restaurant Access To The Property Will Be From The Adjacent Public Street, Horizon Drive - 707 Horizon Drive - Byzantium Holdings, LLC Christopher M Blackburn Office of the City Clerk 664.9 KB CCON/1031
Contract - 2003 - Storm Water Drainage Right-of-Way - 2738 Crossroads Blvd - Cache Properties LLC Office of the City Clerk 201.1 KB CCON/1033