City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Contract - 2012 - Order for Exclusion of Lands from the Lower Valley Fire Protection District - Case No. 21760 (2011 Annexations) Office of the City Clerk 107.8 KB CCON/2334
Contract - 2012 - Order for Exclusion of Lands from the Grand Junction Rural Fire Protection District - Case No. 7097 (2011 Annexations) Office of the City Clerk 173.5 KB CCON/2335
Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes - 1980 - August 07 Community Development 409.6 KB VBMIN/4469
Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes - 1982 - December 02 Community Development 300.5 KB VBMIN/4480
Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes - 1986 - January 02 Community Development 33.9 KB VBMIN/4488
Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes - 1987 - April 10 Community Development 270.9 KB VBMIN/4490
Planning Commission Minutes - 2012 - January 24 Community Development 155.1 KB VBMIN/4445
Sewer - 1973 - January 11 - Letter From Attorney William Waldeck To Mesa County Commissioners Re: Extension of Dike Road To The Connected Lakes Park Greenbelt Project Office of the City Clerk 48.4 KB HISTORY/10
Sewer - 1974 - February 27 - Letter From Attorney Albin Anderson To Rogers Morton Office of the City Clerk 74.5 KB HISTORY/11
Sewer - 1974 - March 05 - Letter From F. Kenneth Baskette Jr To Colorado Division of Wildlife Office of the City Clerk 35.0 KB HISTORY/12
Sewer - 1977 - May 11 - Memo From James Wysocki To City Council Advising Most Desirable of Two Properties Just Became Available For Purchase, Advising Owner Agreed To Take An Option Until August for $5,000, Strongly Recommend Exercising An Option On This Office of the City Clerk 18.1 KB HISTORY/13
Sewer - 1977 - June 30 - Notice of Sewer Tap Fees Re: Paradise Hills Residents Office of the City Clerk 69.7 KB HISTORY/14
Sewer - 1977 - October 05 - Letter From Fred Matter and Roger Smades, Colo. Dept of Health, To City of GJ and Mesa County, Advising Colo. Water Quality Control Commission Approved Site Application No. 2471 for Sewer Line Mesa County Office of the City Clerk 41.6 KB HISTORY/15
Sewer - 1977 - October 05 - Letter From Roger Smades and Frank Rozich To City Re: Water Quality Control Office of the City Clerk 31.0 KB HISTORY/16
Sewer - 1977 - December 06 - City of GJ and Mesa County Outline of Presentation Before Water Quality Control Office of the City Clerk 58.6 KB HISTORY/17