City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1978 - October 02 - Memo From Karl M. Johnson (City Mayor) To City Council and Staff Re: Valley Wide Sewer - Ownership, Operation, and System Management). Recommends City Ownership as Opposed To County Ownership Office of the City Clerk 30.5 KB HISTORY/33
Sewer - 1978 - October 20 - Letter From Duane Jensen Enclosing 9/20/78 Memo Prepared for City Council Re: Plant Investment Fees, Sent To: OM Sanitation District; Fruitvale Sanitation District; CGVSD District Office of the City Clerk 21.6 KB HISTORY/34
Sewer - 1978 - October 20 - Letter From Duane Jensen To Fruitvale Sanitation District, Requesting District Contribute Toward Purchase of A Sewer TV Camera To Be Used In Inspections of Sewer Lines Office of the City Clerk 23.1 KB HISTORY/35
Sewer - 1978 - October 20 - Letter From HDR To City and County Attention: Duane Jensen, Utility Engineer Re: Consulting Engineering Proposal Fort He Design and Construction of An Interim Sewage Treatment Facility Prior To Completion of The Persigo Wash Office of the City Clerk 78.1 KB HISTORY/36
Sewer - 1978 - November 21 - Memo From Ron Ruskey To Ron Rish Re: Assumptions/Criteria for 5 - 10 Year Expansion (Growth of The City) Which Addresses Issues Including: Ownership of The Plant and Collection System and Annexation Office of the City Clerk 43.4 KB HISTORY/37
Sewer - 1978 - November 21 - Memo From Jim Patterson, Secretary Valley Wide Sewer Advisory Committee Re: Ownership and Operation of The New Sewage Treatment Plant. Committee's First Choice Was The Creation of A Metropolitan District - Not An Option Office of the City Clerk 18.9 KB HISTORY/38
Sewer - 1978 - November 29 - Authorization To Discharge Under The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, Issued To City of G. J Office of the City Clerk 409.5 KB HISTORY/39
Sewer - 1978 - December 06 - Presentation To State Water Quality Control Commission, by Howard Roland Office of the City Clerk 17.5 KB HISTORY/40
Sewer - 1978 - December 06 - Presentation To State Water Quality Control Commission, Lawrence Kozisek Office of the City Clerk 20.7 KB HISTORY/41
Sewer - 1979 - August 22 - Letter From Don Conn, Panorama Improvement District, To Jim Patterson, Advising Panorama Doesn't Want To Be Part of Valley Wide Sewer System, Requesting Representative Be Made Aware of Future Meetings Office of the City Clerk 26.9 KB HISTORY/42
Sewer - 1979 - December 12 - Letter From James Patterson To Howard Motz Ridges Metro District, Re Refund of $0.40 for Each EQU for Replacements Needed Office of the City Clerk 21.2 KB HISTORY/43
Sewer - 1980 - February 05 - Letter Fro Ronald Ish To David Leonard, Stating Potential Impacts On The City Office of the City Clerk 20.6 KB HISTORY/44
Sewer - 1980 - March 26 - Letter To Harvey Hormberg, EPA, From Jim Patterson Enclosing Fruitvale San. District Resolution Supporting Joint City/County Ordinances for Sewer Use and Individual Cost Office of the City Clerk 22.8 KB HISTORY/45
Sewer - 1980 - March 26 - Letter From C. W. Bates Confirming The Board of Directors of Central Grand Valley San. Dist. Approved A Resolution Supporting The Joint City/County Sewer Use Office of the City Clerk 16.4 KB HISTORY/46
Sewer - 1980 - April 09 - Draft 5/1/80 Joint Sewerage Service Agreement - With Staff Revisions Transmitted by Gerald Ashby To David Hahn On 4/9/80 Office of the City Clerk 270.8 KB HISTORY/47