City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1981 - October 21 - City of Grand Junction Memo From Ralph To Ron Rish Re: Super 8 Motel Horizon Drive Sewer Line Charge. A Tap Fee Will Be Charged Office of the City Clerk 31.9 KB HISTORY/63
Sewer - 1981 - November 30 - Letter From Ralph Sterry To CGVSD, Advising Apportionment of District Into 4 Work Program Areas Office of the City Clerk 74.3 KB HISTORY/64
Sewer - 1982 - January 29 - Memo From Curt Wiedeman, Mesa County Administrator To All Senate Bill 35 Review Agencies, Mesa County. "County Evaluating Its Land Development Review Procedures and Announcing Immediate Administrative Changes" Office of the City Clerk 40.0 KB HISTORY/65
Sewer - 1982 - May 25 - Letter From Eric Damian Kelly, Esq To County Administrator Curt Wiedeman, Re: Joint Sewerage Service Agreement - Marked "Confidential" Office of the City Clerk 197.7 KB HISTORY/66
Sewer - 1982 - August 17 - Letter From George White To Jim Patterson, Requesting A Recommendation Be Put Together On Where Adjustments In " 201" Boundary May Be Needed Office of the City Clerk 26.4 KB HISTORY/67
Sewer - 1983 - March 23 - Letter From Steven Johnson, Admin. Aide, To Pat Nelson, Colorado Department of Health, Responding To 1/18/83 Letter Re: Submittal of Salinity Report Required by Discharge Permit Office of the City Clerk 72.0 KB HISTORY/68
Sewer - 1983 - April 04 - Letter From James Von Tongeln, HDR, To Steve Johnson, Enlclosing Draft Scope of Work for 201 Update for Review and Comment (032) (038) (040); Scope of Work for City of Grand Junction 201 Update Grand Junction/Mesa County Joint Office of the City Clerk 59.6 KB HISTORY/69
Sewer - 1983 - April 27 - Memo From Patterson To Dick Hollinger Confirming That A Sanitary Sewer System Has Been Constructed and Accepted by The City To Serve Three Mobile Homes On River Road. The County Is Paying The Sewer Fund The Required Plan Office of the City Clerk 25.9 KB HISTORY/70
Sewer - 1983 - June 29 - Letter From Gary Broetzman, Colo. Dept. of Health To City, Re Administrative Extension/Temporary Permit for CDPS Permit # CO-0026417 Office of the City Clerk 45.1 KB HISTORY/71
Sewer - 1983 - September 01 - Commissioner Genova's Handwritten Notes Re Transfer of Persigo To The City Office of the City Clerk 86.1 KB HISTORY/72
Sewer - 1983 - September 01 - Collections Systems Operation and Maintenance Monthly Report Office of the City Clerk 78.4 KB HISTORY/73
Sewer - 1983 - November 10 - Draft Agreement Creating Sewer Authority (A Draft Intergovernmental Agreement Pursuant To C. R. S. 1973 29-1-201 (Intergovernmental Agreements) and 30-20-402 (County Authority To Enter Into Intergovernmental Agreements Office of the City Clerk 117.3 KB HISTORY/74
Sewer - 1983 - December 12 - Memo From Steve Johnson To Lyle Dechant and Bennett Boeschenstein, Planning Director Re: Sewer Line Maintenance In Persigo Service Area. Raises and Discusses The Following Issues: OMSD Billing, System Management, Office of the City Clerk 59.3 KB HISTORY/75
Sewer - 1983 - December 15 - Letter From James Bragdon, City Transportation Engineer To Mark Eckert Re: Problems at The Intersection of 24 Road and Patterson Road Following The Construction of The Redlands Parkway: There Is Not Adequate Transition Length Office of the City Clerk 62.1 KB HISTORY/76
Sewer - 1984 - January 30 - Memo From Mark Eckert, Assistant County Administrator To Jim Patterson Re: Comments On Persigo 201 Plant Update, The Sewer Rate and Grand Junction Infiltration Studies - Presenting A Synopsis of County Staff Comments Office of the City Clerk 50.6 KB HISTORY/77