City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1976 - November 18 - Letter From Kenneth Bielman, CH2M Engineeers, To Duane Jensen, Advising No Official Notification of Selection Committee's Choice of An Engineer for Project Received, Even Though Not Selected, Keep Them In Mind for Future Office of the City Clerk 59.8 KB HISTORY/190
Sewer - 1976 - December 02 - Letter From Paul William, Colo. Dept. of Health To James Patterson, Advising Self-Monitoring Date for 7/76 Indicated Non Compliance for Total Chlorine Residual , Advise Reason w/in 30 Days and Action Taken To Prevent Future Office of the City Clerk 24.5 KB HISTORY/191
Sewer - 1976 - December 06 - Resolution of Valley Wide Sewer Committee, County Commisioners and City Council Office of the City Clerk 60.9 KB HISTORY/192
Sewer - 1976 - December 22 - Letter From Richard Bowman and Frank Rozich, Colo, Dept of Health, To City of GJ, Advising Site Application for Sewer Line Extension for Paradise Hills Subdivison Mesa County Was Approved Subject To Conditions Office of the City Clerk 31.2 KB HISTORY/193
Sewer - 1977 - February 15 - Letter From Ronald Rish To Consulting Engineer Office of the City Clerk 36.5 KB HISTORY/194
Sewer - 1977 - March 01 - Letter From Karl Henrichsen Henningson Durham and Richardson To Bob Henderson Grand Valley Irrigation Company Office of the City Clerk 39.5 KB HISTORY/195
Sewer - 1977 - March 15 - Progress Report To Valley Wide Sewer Committee Office of the City Clerk 877.3 KB HISTORY/196
Sewer - 1977 - March 16 - Memo From Jim Patterson To Connie McDonough Re: Need for Clairification of Policies Office of the City Clerk 75.3 KB HISTORY/197
Sewer - 1977 - April 11 - Letter From Kenneth Webb, Co. Dept. of Health, To J. E. Abbott, HDR, Outlining Division's Position On Required Effluent Standards for Grand Junction Treatment Plant(s) Office of the City Clerk 50.5 KB HISTORY/198
Sewer - 1977 - April 28 - Letter From Connie McDonough, City-County Development, To Colo. Dept of Health, Recommending Approval of Mr. Schumacher's Application for Site Approval of New Sewage Treatment Plant Office of the City Clerk 46.5 KB HISTORY/199
Sewer - 1977 - May 06 - Letter From Duane Jensen To Perry Schumacher, Stating Reasons for Recommendation To Water Quality Control Commission That Approval for New Sewage Treatment Plant Be Denied; Explanation by Perry Schumacher for Need for Sewage Office of the City Clerk 77.3 KB HISTORY/200
Sewer - 1977 - May 10 - Receipt and Option Contract, for Property at 2145 River Road Grand Junction Colorado Office of the City Clerk 149.6 KB HISTORY/201
Sewer - 1977 - May 11 - Minutes of Valley Wide Sewer Committee Meeting 2)Letter From James Biber To Jim Patterson Re Asking Price of Appraiser Office of the City Clerk 81.5 KB HISTORY/202
Sewer - 1977 - May 12 - Daily Sentinel Article "Sewer Plant Gets Committee Okay" Office of the City Clerk 184.5 KB HISTORY/203
Sewer - 1977 - May 26 - City of GJ Memo From Duane Jensen To John Tasker, Requesting Copies of Invoices Paid Re EPA Federal Projects Acct No. 450 Paradise Hills Interceptor and 490 Sewer Plant Modification Construction, In Order To Make Application for Office of the City Clerk 20.0 KB HISTORY/204