City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1978 - February 23 - Letter From Duane Jensen To John , HDR, Attaching List of Industrial Users On Sewage System Office of the City Clerk 42.7 KB HISTORY/220
Sewer - 1978 - February 28 - Letter From Frank Holliday, Woodward Clyde Consultants To HDR, Re Consultation, Land Application System Near Fruita, Co [036 Attached To 2/17/78 Cruse Letter] Bid No. 3-78 for Supplies Office of the City Clerk 45.8 KB HISTORY/221
Sewer - 1978 - March 03 - Letter From John Keyes , Bureau of Reclamation To John Horst, HDR, Enclosing Draft Copy of Specifications for Buried PVC Pond Lining [No Copy], Giving Views On Proposal for Land Treatment and Storage of Municipal Sewage Effluent Office of the City Clerk 71.8 KB HISTORY/222
Sewer - 1978 - March 06 - Draft Colorado Water Quality Control Commission Policy On Land Treatment of Municipal Wastewater Office of the City Clerk 83.7 KB HISTORY/223
Sewer - 1978 - March 08 - HDR Transmittal Letter From John Horst, To James Patterson, Sending EPA Agency Dist. List of Negative Dectns. and Guide To The CRM-Brethern In Colorado [No Copies] Office of the City Clerk 80.3 KB HISTORY/224
Sewer - 1978 - March 09 - 1)memo From Duane Jensen To R. L. Rush 2) Letter From Jim Patterson To Stanley May Office of the City Clerk 33.4 KB HISTORY/225
Sewer - 1978 - March 10 - A Place Mat With Notes/City Council and County Commissioners Office of the City Clerk 112.5 KB HISTORY/226
Sewer - 1978 - March 14 - Letter From John Horst, HDR, To Duane Jensen , Enclosing Map of Persigo Wash Water Pollution Control Plant Site Delineating 100 and 500 Year Flood Limits [Nocopy]] Office of the City Clerk 25.9 KB HISTORY/227
Sewer - 1978 - March 15 - Speed Message From Duane Jensen To Karl Henricksen , HDR, Enclosing Rough Draft of Letter To Respond To Evan Dildine's Office of the City Clerk 40.6 KB HISTORY/228
Sewer - 1978 - March 20 - Letter From Richard Bowman Colo Dept of Health To Orchard Mesa Sanitation Dist Office of the City Clerk 38.6 KB HISTORY/229
Sewer - 1978 - March 22 - Letter From Lawrence Kozusek, Mayor, To Evan Dildine, Colo. Dept . of Health Re Land Treatment, Outlining Alternatives Office of the City Clerk 82.1 KB HISTORY/230
Sewer - 1978 - March 23 - Letter From J. E. Patterson To Harold Boyles Mesa County Dept of Health Office of the City Clerk 34.0 KB HISTORY/231
Sewer - 1978 - March 27 - Daily Sentinel Article "Water Plan Submits Pollution Solutions" Office of the City Clerk 69.6 KB HISTORY/232
Sewer - 1978 - April 04 - Water Quality Control Commission Agenda, Includes City/County EPA Request Office of the City Clerk 99.2 KB HISTORY/233
Sewer - 1978 - April 05 - Letter To Jim Patterson From Harvey Hormberg EPA Office of the City Clerk 41.9 KB HISTORY/234