City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1961 - March 31 - Of City-owned Real Estate Acquired From H. T. Hetherington Office of the City Clerk 51.3 KB HISTORY/100
Sewer - 1967 - March 06 - Letter From Richard Gray City Manager To CDOH Office of the City Clerk 53.9 KB HISTORY/101
Sewer - 1969 - April 27 - Statement of Intent Between City of Grand Junction and Proposed Central Grand Valley Sanitation District Office of the City Clerk 75.8 KB HISTORY/102
Sewer - 1970 - May 27 - Memo From Don Warner To Dick Gray Office of the City Clerk 569.4 KB HISTORY/103
Sewer - 1970 - November 04 - Agreement Between City of Grand Junction and Central Grand Valley Sanitation District Office of the City Clerk 137.9 KB HISTORY/104
Sewer - 1972 - June 16 - Letter From Fred Selan, Central Grand Valley Sanitation To Davis Hickman, City Engineer Office of the City Clerk 36.8 KB HISTORY/105
Sewer - 1972 - November 08 - Letter From Attorney Charles Traylor To Board of County Commissioners Office of the City Clerk 39.8 KB HISTORY/106
Sewer - 1972 - December 28 - Memo From Richard Mandeville To Board of Commissioners Office of the City Clerk 68.3 KB HISTORY/107
Sewer - 1973 - January 04 - Letter From John T Munro To Commissioners Office of the City Clerk 58.4 KB HISTORY/108
Sewer - 1973 - January 11 - Letter From Anderson To Richard Mandeville Western Engineers Re: Project Notification Forms Office of the City Clerk 31.7 KB HISTORY/109
Sewer - 1973 - March 20 - Letter From Allan N. Charnes To Richard Brown Office of the City Clerk 34.0 KB HISTORY/110
Sewer - 1973 - June 01 - Service Plan Report for OMSD Office of the City Clerk 59.2 KB HISTORY/111
Sewer - 1973 - August 06 - Letter From Anderson To EPA Office of the City Clerk 38.2 KB HISTORY/112
Sewer - 1973 - September 20 - Letter-Application From City of Grand Junction To William Hormberg Office of the City Clerk 60.4 KB HISTORY/113
Sewer - 1973 - November 15 - Letter From Robert Jennings To Colorado West Area Council Office of the City Clerk 62.4 KB HISTORY/114