City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1978 - May 22 - Letter From Ronald Schuyler, Colorado Dept. of Health, Need Survey and Priority List Municipalities Office of the City Clerk 91.0 KB HISTORY/250
Sewer - 1978 - May 25 - Letter From Duane Jensen To Calvin Youngburg, Colo. Dept of Health, Advising, In Response To Needs Survey, That City Anticipes A Large Scale Program Will Be Under Construction During 1979 , Outlined In 201 Facilities Office of the City Clerk 23.5 KB HISTORY/251
Sewer - 1978 - June 23 - Letter From Robert Gerlofs, Paragon Engineering, To City Council and County Commissioners, Enclosing Agreement Dated May, 1978 Between Home Builders Assoc. and City of G. J Office of the City Clerk 48.2 KB HISTORY/252
Sewer - 1978 - June 28 - Memo From Duane Jensen To Jim Wysocki Re: Operation of Water Supply for Summer of 1978 Office of the City Clerk 40.0 KB HISTORY/253
Sewer - 1978 - June 29 - Letter From Duane Jensen, To John Frenandez of Rifle, Enclosing Info Re Oil Shale Lease Funds for Grand Junction and Mesa County Office of the City Clerk 84.7 KB HISTORY/254
Sewer - 1978 - July 19 - Amendment - Negative Declaration Environmental Impact Statement Office of the City Clerk 406.1 KB HISTORY/255
Sewer - 1978 - July 24 - 1) Memo From Lt. A. C. Palmer G. J. Fire Dept To R. T. Mantlo 2) Letter From George F. Thompson Jr., Coughlin & Co,. Inc. To City, County Attorney Gerald Ashby Office of the City Clerk 68.0 KB HISTORY/256
Sewer - 1978 - July 26 - Quotation From U. S. Welding To City for Liquid Oxygen Delivered Weekly To Site In GJ Office of the City Clerk 81.5 KB HISTORY/257
Sewer - 1978 - August 22 - 1-Letter From Harvey Hormberg To Jim Patterson 2-Minutes of Valley Wide Sewer Committee Meeting 3-Memo From Duane Jensen To Jim Wysocki Office of the City Clerk 241.3 KB HISTORY/258
Sewer - 1978 - August 28 - Letters From Jack L. Sparks To Dick Bowman Re: Applications for Approval of Sewage Collection Facilities Office of the City Clerk 149.4 KB HISTORY/259
Sewer - 1978 - September 07 - Grand Junction Council's Inaction On Sewer Tap Moratorium, Flood Plain Map Dominates Meeting Office of the City Clerk 79.1 KB HISTORY/260
Sewer - 1978 - September 17 - Daily Sentinel Article "A Major Concern Developed Over The Loss of A Critical Annexation Tool If The County Owns The New Treatment Plant." "The Most Important Point In The Whole Discussion as Far as I Am Concerned Is That Office of the City Clerk 114.2 KB HISTORY/261
Sewer - 1978 - September 18 - Letter To Jim Patterson From Harvey Hormberg Re: The Agreement Is Approved by The EPA Office of the City Clerk 35.1 KB HISTORY/262
Sewer - 1978 - September 20 - City of Grand Junction Memo From Duane Jensen To James E. Wysocki Office of the City Clerk 62.9 KB HISTORY/263
Sewer - 1978 - September 21 - Letter From John Porter To Errol Snider Re: Sewer Plant Expressing Personal Opinion Office of the City Clerk 33.7 KB HISTORY/264