City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1978 - September 25 - Memo From Jim Patterson To Duane Jensen Re: Appointing Jensen as Acting Director of Public Works and Utilities During Patterson's Vacation Office of the City Clerk 23.4 KB HISTORY/265
Sewer - 1978 - September 29 - 1) Daily Sentinel Article No Decision Made On Sewer Owner 2) Memo From Bob Kettle To Jim Patterson Re: Reminding of Stipulation and Request The Responsibility of Accomplishment On Sewage Treatment Plant Office of the City Clerk 124.2 KB HISTORY/266
Sewer - 1978 - October 02 - 1) Memo From Patterson To Bob Kettle 2) Memo From Carl M. Johnson To City Council Office of the City Clerk 50.1 KB HISTORY/267
Sewer - 1978 - October 10 - Memo From Jim Patterson To Mayor Carl Johnson re: Valley Wide Sewer Ownership and Operation Office of the City Clerk 54.0 KB HISTORY/268
Sewer - 1978 - October 15 - Note To Users of Grand Junction Zoning Ordinance From City-County Development Dept Office of the City Clerk 30.6 KB HISTORY/269
Sewer - 1978 - October 16 - City of GJ Memo to James Wysocki, City Manager from Duane Jensen, City Engineer Re: Changes Required In City Ordinances To Properly Address Plant Investment Fee Office of the City Clerk 33.2 KB HISTORY/270
Sewer - 1978 - October 20 - 2 Letters From Duane Jensen 1-CGVSD 2-City Council Office of the City Clerk 118.2 KB HISTORY/271
Sewer - 1978 - October 23 - Memo From Duane Jensen To Jim Wysocki Re:HDR's Proposal To Design and Construct An Interim Treatment Facility In Order To Avoid A Sewer Moratorium Office of the City Clerk 24.0 KB HISTORY/272
Sewer - 1978 - October 25 - City of Grand Junction Memo From Duane Jensen To James Wysocki Re: Sewer Extension Agreements With Subdivisions and Districts Office of the City Clerk 29.6 KB HISTORY/273
Sewer - 1978 - October 26 - Letter From Don Caraway, O. M. Sanitation Dist., To John Kinney With Copy of Letter To Pete Siegmund, Atkins Enginewering, Explaining OMSD Inspection Policies Office of the City Clerk 47.8 KB HISTORY/274
Sewer - 1978 - October 27 - Letter From J. E. Patterson To CGVSD Re: Policy District Established of Allowing No Annexations Into District When It Became Evident City Sewer Plant Will Run Out of Capacity Office of the City Clerk 65.1 KB HISTORY/275
Sewer - 1978 - October 30 - Review of Plans for Proposed Sewage Collection System Re: Village Nine 3 2nd Submittal Office of the City Clerk 40.6 KB HISTORY/276
Sewer - 1978 - November 09 - Monthly Letter Report No. 4 From Engineering-Science To EPA, Re Grand Junction Ammonia Toxicity Study Office of the City Clerk 14.4 KB HISTORY/277
Sewer - 1978 - November 16 - Letter From Albert Reuter CGVSD To Duane Jensen Requesting Additional Information On Proposed Use of TV To Check Sewer Lines Office of the City Clerk 34.7 KB HISTORY/278
Sewer - 1978 - November 20 - Memo From Jim Patterson To Larry Rasinski Re: Dewey Subdivision About Development Standards Being City Because of Possible Annexation Office of the City Clerk 27.2 KB HISTORY/279