City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1979 - October 17 - Memorandum of Agreement Between County of Mesa and City of Grand Junction Office of the City Clerk 239.8 KB HISTORY/310
Sewer - 1979 - November 02 - Memo From Jim Patterson To City Manage Wysocki Re Proposed 1980 Utilities Department Budget Which Includes $14,465,000.00 for Capital Outlay of The New Sewage Treatment Plant and Interceptors 75% of Which Will Come From EPA Office of the City Clerk 82.5 KB HISTORY/311
Sewer - 1979 - November 20 - City Ordinance 1849 Re: Increasing Sewer Rates Office of the City Clerk 57.1 KB HISTORY/312
Sewer - 1979 - November 21 - Letter From James Patterson To William Hormberg EPA Informal Submission of Information Office of the City Clerk 32.8 KB HISTORY/313
Sewer - 1979 - December 03 - Memo From John Kenney To Jim Patterson Re: City Sanitary Sewer Line Additions 1975/1979 Office of the City Clerk 63.8 KB HISTORY/314
Sewer - 1979 - December 11 - Letter From James Patterson To Al Reuter Re: List Items Agreeable To City and District Re Billing Office of the City Clerk 37.5 KB HISTORY/315
Sewer - 1979 - December 12 - 2 Letters 1 From James Patterson To Al Reuter 2 From James Patterson To Kenneth Snider Office of the City Clerk 32.6 KB HISTORY/316
Sewer - 1979 - December 17 - Letter From James Patterson To Howard Motz Ridges Metro District Office of the City Clerk 22.0 KB HISTORY/317
Sewer - 1979 - December 18 - 2 Letters 1 From James Patterson To Howard Motz 2 From James Patterson To Harvey Hormberg Office of the City Clerk 106.6 KB HISTORY/318
Sewer - 1979 - December 21 - Letter From John Horst, HDR To Jim Patterson Office of the City Clerk 36.9 KB HISTORY/319
Sewer - 1980 - January 14 - Letter From Ron Rish, City Engineer, To Frank Brown, Intermountan Technical Services Re: City's Review of Consruction Plans for Mcclure Sewer Extension Office of the City Clerk 32.4 KB HISTORY/320
Sewer - 1980 - January 16 - Memo From Jim Patterson To Jim Wysocki Re: Complaints Due To New Rate Structure Office of the City Clerk 49.9 KB HISTORY/321
Sewer - 1980 - February 05 - 3 Documents 1 Letter From William Hormberg EPA To James Patterson 2 Resolution of Concurrence In Requirements of EPA Fruitvale Water & Sanitation 3 Letter From Ronald Rish To David Leonard Office of the City Clerk 162.3 KB HISTORY/322
Sewer - 1980 - February 20 - City Ordinance 1868 An Ordinace Concerning Sewerage Charge for Laundries Office of the City Clerk 23.1 KB HISTORY/323
Sewer - 1980 - February 28 - Letter To Harvey Hormberg EPA From Karl Henrichsen Advising That The City and County Intend To Adopt The New Sewer Use Ordinance Office of the City Clerk 57.0 KB HISTORY/324