City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1980 - March 01 - Chronological Order of Events Leading To The Eventual Construction of Additional Sewage Treatment Facilities In Grand Junction Office of the City Clerk 42.4 KB HISTORY/325
Sewer - 1980 - March 05 - City Joint Ordinance 1873 Sections 14-61 of City Code Re: Sewage Disposal Repealing and Reenaction Ch. 25 Office of the City Clerk 242.2 KB HISTORY/326
Sewer - 1980 - March 09 - Daily Sentinel Articles Capacity of Sewer Treatment Plays Major Role In Area Growth Office of the City Clerk 431.3 KB HISTORY/327
Sewer - 1980 - March 18 - Letter From William Bennett Paragon Engineering To Colo Dept of Health Re: Application for Site Approval of Sewage Office of the City Clerk 197.5 KB HISTORY/328
Sewer - 1980 - March 25 - Letter To Jim Patterson From Harvey Hormberg, EPA, Approving City/HDR Contract Amendments Nos. 4,5 and 6 Review for Compliance With EPA Office of the City Clerk 45.5 KB HISTORY/329
Sewer - 1980 - March 26 - Letter From Commissioner Rick Enstrom To Harvey Hormberg, EPA Advising That The Commissioners as of 3/26/80 Took The Following Action: "Maxine Albers Moved, Rick Enstrom Seconded and Motion Carried, Per The Agreement On 10/17/7 Office of the City Clerk 44.3 KB HISTORY/330
Sewer - 1980 - April 09 - Draft 5/1/80 Joint Sewerage Service Agreement-with "Staff" Revisions-transmitted by Gerald Ashby To David Hahn On 4/9/80 Office of the City Clerk 26.2 KB HISTORY/331
Sewer - 1980 - April 10 - Letter To Jeb Love, CDOH/WQCD From HDR (Jim Abbott) Enclosing Copies of The Sewer Use Ordinance and Industrial Cost Recovery Ordinance Together With Appendices A and B and Resolutions of CGVSD, Ridges, and OMSD Office of the City Clerk 58.4 KB HISTORY/332
Sewer - 1980 - April 14 - Memo From Jim Patterson To Maxine Albers Re: State, Federal, and Local Guidelines, Regulations and Goals Relating To 208 Water Quality Management Agencies Office of the City Clerk 45.5 KB HISTORY/333
Sewer - 1980 - April 22 - Memo From Ralph Sterry To Jim Patterson Re: Capital Projects Summary (Proposed Utility Dept. Upgrades Including Persigo Wash Plant, Interim Plant, and Interceptors) Office of the City Clerk 45.7 KB HISTORY/334
Sewer - 1980 - May 12 - Memo From Jim Patterson To Jane Quimby Re Deferred EPA Construction Funds for 1980 Office of the City Clerk 38.4 KB HISTORY/335
Sewer - 1980 - June 05 - Memo From Steve McConnahey To Participants of Sewer Revenue Bond Transaction Re: Schedule of Events To Occur In New York City On 6/24/80 and Enclosing A Draft of The Proposed Official Statement Office of the City Clerk 60.1 KB HISTORY/336
Sewer - 1980 - June 06 - Letter To Harvey Hormberg From Jim Abbott, HDR, Enclosing for Hormberg's Info. Copies of The 5/1/80. Joint Sewerage Service Agreement and 10/1/79 Memorandum of Agreement " That Led To The Final Agreement. " Office of the City Clerk 31.5 KB HISTORY/337
Sewer - 1980 - June 16 - Handwritten Notes From The EPA's File " It Appears That Grants Will Go To The County?" Office of the City Clerk 25.5 KB HISTORY/338
Sewer - 1980 - June 19 - EPA Memorandum From Henry Longest To Water Division Directors, Re Annexation as A Pre-requisite for Wastewater Treatment Services, Office of the City Clerk 179.8 KB HISTORY/339