City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1980 - November 01 - Merril Lynch & Co. Inc. - Mesquite Tex Indpt Sch Dist - 1977 To 1990 Maturities Office of the City Clerk 59.9 KB HISTORY/355
Sewer - 1980 - November 12 - Commissioners Adopt MCM80-172 1980 Bond Resolution Authorizing The Sale and Issuance of The Sewer Refunding Revenue Bonds (Later Published On 11/20/80) Office of the City Clerk 38.4 KB HISTORY/356
Sewer - 1980 - November 13 - Letter From Peat Marwick, Mitchell & Co., CPAs To Boettcher & Co. Confirming The Accuracy of The Mathematical Computations Assoc. With The Schedule of Transactions for The Issuance of The 1980 Bonds and Refunding of The 1978 Office of the City Clerk 344.1 KB HISTORY/357
Sewer - 1980 - November 18 - Letter From Stephen Clark, Boettcher & Co. To John Tasker, City Finance Director and Gina Harrison, County Treasurer Re: Comparison of Debt Requirements Office of the City Clerk 70.0 KB HISTORY/358
Sewer - 1980 - November 20 - Letter From Vic Daniel, Elder, Phillips, Daniel & Phillips To Commissioners, Council, Boettcher, et al Confirming Review On Behalf of OMSD of The Relevant Local Ordinances 11/13/80 Final Official Statement Office of the City Clerk 51.0 KB HISTORY/359
Sewer - 1980 - November 24 - Recommendations for Changes In The Sanitary Sewer Service Fees for Mesa County and The City of Grand Junction, Co., Prepared by James E. Patterson, Jr., Utilities Director, City of Grand Junction Office of the City Clerk 643.8 KB HISTORY/360
Sewer - 1980 - December 17 - Letter From Don Caraway, O. M. Sanitation District To Jim Patterson, Advising of District's Decision To Do Own Maintenance and Flushing, Effective 1/1/81, But City Still Do Billing and Computer Time, Reserving Option To Office of the City Clerk 23.9 KB HISTORY/361
Sewer - 1980 - December 19 - Letter From Ken Snider, OMSD President, To Whom It May Concern, Re Changes In Rates, Procedures, Taps and Service Fees Office of the City Clerk 27.3 KB HISTORY/362
Sewer - 1980 - December 22 - Letter From James Patterson To Central Grand Valley Sanitation District, Advising of Increase In Monthy Sanitary Service Fee Office of the City Clerk 43.2 KB HISTORY/363
Sewer - 1980 - December 31 - Financial Statements and Auditors' Report City of Grand Junction/Mesa County, Colorado Joint Sewer System Dec. 31, 1980 by Chadwick, Steinkirchner, Davis & Co. (2 Copies) Office of the City Clerk 236.0 KB HISTORY/364
Sewer - 1981 - January 07 - City Ordinance 1934. An Ordinance Changing Sewer Rates. EQU Raised To $4.95 Beginning 2/1/81. Ordinance Effective 2/1/81 Office of the City Clerk 71.6 KB HISTORY/365
Sewer - 1981 - January 14 - Letter From Jim Abbott, HDR, To Jim Patterson Re: Where Connections Might Be Allowed Into The River Road Interceptor and Noting That, as To A Specific Area This Area Was Not Envisioned To Be In The Service Area Based On The Office of the City Clerk 67.5 KB HISTORY/366
Sewer - 1981 - January 15 - Letter From Jim Patterson To Ron Schuyler, Co. Dept. of Health, Re: Delays In Considering The Submitted Grant Applic. for Construction Office of the City Clerk 60.1 KB HISTORY/367
Sewer - 1981 - January 16 - Letter To James Patterson, City Utility Director, From Don Caraway, OMSD Manager, Responding To Mr. Patterson's 12/22/80 Letter and A City /OMSD Meeting On 1/12/81 Office of the City Clerk 24.8 KB HISTORY/368
Sewer - 1981 - January 19 - Letter To Harvey Hormberg, EPA, From Ron Schuyler, CDOH/WQCD Enclosing Grant Amendment No. 4 - Executed (With Enclosure) Office of the City Clerk 458.7 KB HISTORY/369