City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1981 - March 31 - Letter To Harvey Hormberg, EPA, From Ron Schuyler, CDOH/WQCD, Enclosing Amendment Nos. R, 3 and 5 To The Three Federal EPA Grants Office of the City Clerk 43.1 KB HISTORY/385
Sewer - 1981 - May 01 - Goals, Objectives and Policies of The Comprehensive Planning Process - City of Grand Junction and Mesa County Office of the City Clerk 853.0 KB HISTORY/386
Sewer - 1981 - May 06 - Letter From James Patterson To F. H. A., c/o Paragon Engineering, Confirming The Vineyards Sanitary Sewage Will Be Accepted Into The City-County System for Treatment, Initially To Receive Treatment at The Bluffs West Package Treat Office of the City Clerk 31.2 KB HISTORY/387
Sewer - 1981 - May 12 - MCM81-94 - Commissioner's Resolution Supporting The Mesa County Planning Commission's Work Effort To Prepare An Updated Comprehensive Plan for The Central Grand Valley Planning Area, Defined as The Area Extending From A Road To J Office of the City Clerk 47.8 KB HISTORY/388
Sewer - 1981 - May 15 - Letter To Harvey Hormberg, EPA, From Jim Abbott, HDR, Seeking Prior Approval of A Plan To Bid The Construction of The Treatment Plant In Two Phases (A & B) as A Result of A Reduction In Available Grant Monies - The Plan Seeks The Office of the City Clerk 62.8 KB HISTORY/389
Sewer - 1981 - May 19 - Jim Patterson's Handouts Given To Commissioners at 5/19/81 Meeting. Request for Mesa County Commissioners To Establish Policy On The 201 Service Area and With Respect To The Proliferation of Sanitation Districts (With Attachments Office of the City Clerk 218.8 KB HISTORY/390
Sewer - 1981 - May 26 - Letter From Stephen Clark, Boettcher & Company, To John Tasker, City Finance Director Transmitting Copies of Debt Service Requirement for Each Bond Series and Schedule Office of the City Clerk 857.1 KB HISTORY/391
Sewer - 1981 - June 01 - Unsigned Resolution of The Commissioners Establishing Persigo Wastewater Treatment Plant Service Area. (See 61681 Reso. Adopted by The Commissioners) Office of the City Clerk 70.6 KB HISTORY/392
Sewer - 1981 - June 02 - Letter To Congressman Hank Brown From Mayor Louie Brach and Commissioner Maxine Albers Expressing The City's and County's Concern Over The Delay In Obtaining Approval as A Result of The Transition In Administrations In Washington Office of the City Clerk 197.0 KB HISTORY/393
Sewer - 1981 - June 10 - Letter Form Ron Rish, City Engineer, To Bob Gerlofs, Paragon Engineering Re: Valle West Water and Sanitation District's Construction Plans for Its Proposed Connection To The River Road Interceptor Sewer - Outlining Comments and Office of the City Clerk 41.7 KB HISTORY/394
Sewer - 1981 - June 15 - Letter From Architect Gary Vanderwood To Cliff Davidson, Senior County Planner, Mesa County Development Dept. Re: Persigo Regional Sewage Plant Resolution. Mr. Vanderwood Writes To Complain About The Proposed County Resolution Office of the City Clerk 77.0 KB HISTORY/395
Sewer - 1981 - June 16 - Letter From David Behrhorst, Destination Properties, To Malcom Macgregor, City Utility Billing Supervisor, Giving Written Authorization To Issue Seven Sewer Taps To Oxford Avenue, Ltd. for Service Into Goat Draw Sewer Plant Office of the City Clerk 21.0 KB HISTORY/396
Sewer - 1981 - June 24 - Letter To Anne Gorsuch, EPA Administrator, From Congressman Hank Brown, Enclosing The 6/2/81 Letter From Mayor Brach and Commissioner Albers Requesting Gorsuch's Assistance In Expediting Review of The Grand Junction Project Office of the City Clerk 42.0 KB HISTORY/397
Sewer - 1981 - June 29 - Handwritten Notes From Daryl Shrum, City/County Development Dept. To Kurt Wiedeman (With Attached: 6/15/81 Letter From Garry L. Vanderwood, Architect To Cliff Davidson, Senior County Planner Re: Persigo Regional Sewage Plant Office of the City Clerk 47.4 KB HISTORY/398
Sewer - 1981 - July 09 - Memorandum of Agreement, Grand Junction Drainage District, City and County Re: Installation of A 54-inch Sewer Pipe Across The Appleton Drain Maintained by The Drainage District. Note "The City and County Or Which Ever One of Office of the City Clerk 68.9 KB HISTORY/399