City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1983 - May 23 - Letter From James Patterson To Patricia Nelson, Co Dept. of Health, Advising Facility Representative for New Wastewater Treatment Plant, Mesa County Is Jerry O'Brien, Legal Contact Is James Patterson, Providing Clarification Office of the City Clerk 35.3 KB HISTORY/475
Sewer - 1983 - June 21 - Memo From Steve Johnson To Jim Patterson et al. Re: City Water Rights Activity/Persigo Sewer Plan Effluent. Possibility of An Exchange With The Ranchman's Ditch Current Estimated Maximum Effluent Flow Office of the City Clerk 37.2 KB HISTORY/476
Sewer - 1983 - June 22 - Memo From Steve Johnson To Jim Patterson et al Re: Industrial Pre-treatment Program Development Office of the City Clerk 37.3 KB HISTORY/477
Sewer - 1983 - June 27 - Memo From Harley Seybold To Jim Patterson Re: New Sewer Areas Connecting To City Sewer, Information Requested From Patterson Office of the City Clerk 29.9 KB HISTORY/478
Sewer - 1983 - June 29 - Letter From Max Dodson, Water Management Division EPA To Jim Patterson Re: Industrial Pre-treatment Program Submittal Office of the City Clerk 44.3 KB HISTORY/479
Sewer - 1983 - June 30 - Draft Letter From Gary Lucero, City Council, To Maxine Albers, Mesa County Commissioners Acknowledging Receipt of 6/27/83 Letter Re Proposed 201 Wastewater Facilities Plan Update (County Requesting Equal Participation by County Office of the City Clerk 229.9 KB HISTORY/480
Sewer - 1983 - July 14 - Letter From Gary Lucero, President Grand Junction City Council To Commissioner Albers In Response To The 6/27/83 Letter Conncerning The Proposed 201 Plan Update and Requesting Equal Participation by The County and The Scoping and Office of the City Clerk 35.1 KB HISTORY/481
Sewer - 1983 - July 26 - City of GJ Memo From Steve Johnson, Approved by Jim Paterson, To Bennet Boeschenstein, Kurt Luers, County Planning Re The Knolls, Stating Sewer Service Not Presently Available, City Will Not Approve Sewage Connections Until Office of the City Clerk 27.0 KB HISTORY/482
Sewer - 1983 - July 27 - Memo From Harley Seybold To Jim Patterson Re: New Sewer Areas Connecting To City Sewer, Information Requested From Patterson Office of the City Clerk 13.9 KB HISTORY/483