City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1987 - July 09 - Handwritten Notes From Mark Eckert to Gordon Tiffany, County Administrator Transmitting A Draft Copy of Various Pages From The Document That Later Became Part of Commissioner Albers 1/11/88 Or 5/12/88 Letters To The City Office of the City Clerk 169.3 KB HISTORY/604
Sewer - 1987 - July 14 - Letter From CGVSD To City, Response To 5/11/87 Letter Office of the City Clerk 20.3 KB HISTORY/605
Sewer - 1987 - July 15 - Notice of Violation (Odors) From CDOH Office of the City Clerk 2.3 MB HISTORY/606
Sewer - 1987 - July 16 - Memo From Gordon Tiffany, County Administrator To County Commissioner Attaching The State's 7/15/87 Notice of Violation Office of the City Clerk 53.8 KB HISTORY/607
Sewer - 1987 - July 27 - Memo From George Cianko, Environmental Health, Mesa County Health Department, To Mark Eckert Complaining That Greg Trainor Failed To Address Dr. Cianko's Concerns as To The Status of The Banner Report - A List of Prioritized Office of the City Clerk 27.4 KB HISTORY/608
Sewer - 1987 - August 04 - Grant Audit Request - Grantee: Grand Junction, Colorado and Mesa County Office of the City Clerk 224.6 KB HISTORY/609
Sewer - 1987 - August 11 - Letter From CGVSD To City Requesting Response To 5/11/87 and 7/1/87 Letters Office of the City Clerk 26.8 KB HISTORY/610
Sewer - 1987 - September 16 - Transmittal Memo From Don Whetstone To Trainor, Boeschenstein, et al Enclosing A Study of The Individual Sewage Disposal Systems Located In The Preliminary Banner Report On Sewer Line Extensions Providing Office of the City Clerk 27.7 KB HISTORY/611
Sewer - 1987 - September 17 - Memo From Gerald Ashby To Greg Trainor Re: Ashby's Interpretation of C. R. S. 30-20-416 Which Governs Alol Ordered Connections To Any Part of The Sewer System Within The County. The Commissioners Direct The Connection Upon Office of the City Clerk 33.8 KB HISTORY/612
Sewer - 1988 - July 07 - Letter From Floyd Patterson, Cultural Resource Consultants, To Suane Jensen, Advising No Additional Charge for Survey of Alternative Routes for Goat Wash and Tiara Rado Interceptor Routes Office of the City Clerk 33.9 KB HISTORY/613
Sewer - 1988 - October 05 - Letter From James Shanks To Mr. and Mrs. Barnicoat Enclosing Check for $10 for City's Use of Water To Check Sewer Line Office of the City Clerk 18.3 KB HISTORY/614
Sewer - 1988 - November 08 - Letter From Sandi Warner, Admin. Secy. To Richard Hartman, Enclosing Check for $50 for Sewer Cleaning Office of the City Clerk 12.9 KB HISTORY/615
Sewer - 1994 - January 01 - (Exact Date Uncertain). Board of County Commissioners of Mesa County-"Goals for 1994". (Produced Informally In Response To The City's Request That The County Provided It With A Copy of The "1993 Strategic Plan Office of the City Clerk 257.4 KB HISTORY/616
Sewer - 1994 - January 02 - Notes of action by Commissioners on Agenda item re: Sewer Collection Lines - Rosevale Area. [County File "Sewer 1990-1994"] Office of the City Clerk 63.1 KB HISTORY/617
Sewer - 1994 - January 03 - Letter From James Shanks To Art Crawford Enclosing Letter Received From Doralyn Genova, Stating Doralyn Genova Had Been at 12/6 Meeting With Fruitvale Board and Several City Council Members and Agreed Arrears Office of the City Clerk 103.3 KB HISTORY/618