City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1994 - July 12 - Letter from Stephanie Nye, City Clerk to Board of County Commissioners re: Climax Middle Enclave #1 and Attaching City Resolution No. 57-94. [County File "Sewer 1990-1994" ] Office of the City Clerk 97.0 KB HISTORY/664
Sewer - 1994 - July 13 - Letter from Stephanie Nye, City Clerk to County Commissioners re: Replacing Letter of 7-12-94 Concerning Climax Mill Enclave #1 Annexation Per City Resolution No. 57-94. [County File "Sewer 1990-1994"] Office of the City Clerk 37.3 KB HISTORY/665
Sewer - 1994 - July 13 - E-Mail from Dan Wilson to Shanks et al. re: Meeting With Larry Beckner. Beckner Complains That The City Has Changed Its Long Term Policy Not To Require POAs Within The Special Districts, However OMSD Intends To Give Notice Office of the City Clerk 75.9 KB HISTORY/666
Sewer - 1994 - July 13 - Letter from Mayor Mantlo to County Commissioners re: Land Use Control Issues, Regional Welfare Issues, Relative Powers of The City and County Issues, Amendment of The 5/1/80 Agreement Office of the City Clerk 29.8 KB HISTORY/667
Sewer - 1994 - July 15 - Letter From Commissioner Crouch To Vernon O. Pace, President, Pace Enterprises, Inc. Acknowledging Receipt of Mr. Pace's Letter and Indicating The Matters Being Reviewed by The County Attorney. The County Is Concerned Office of the City Clerk 32.5 KB HISTORY/668
Sewer - 1994 - July 18 - City of Grand Junction Sewer Rules and Regulations, Section 4, System Expansion (Only) Office of the City Clerk 277.9 KB HISTORY/669
Sewer - 1977 - July 11 - Minutes of Valley Wide Sewer Committee Meeting Office of the City Clerk 35.1 KB HISTORY/670
Sewer - 1977 - July 13 - Letter From Gordon Bruchner Nelson, Haley, Patterson and Quirk, To Duane Jensen Re Reimbursement From EPA of Step 11 Costs Related To Contract Office of the City Clerk 29.6 KB HISTORY/671
Sewer - 1977 - July 20 - Letter From Duane Jensen To Ron Schulyler, State Health Dept. Advising City Does Not Wish To Construct Designed Improvements at This Time, Requesting State Review The Design So That EPA May Process Requests for Reimbursement Office of the City Clerk 40.5 KB HISTORY/672
Sewer - 1977 - July 31 - Invoice Nos. C6703 and C6704 From HDR, To City of GJ, for GJ, for Engineering Services Re Paradise Hills Interceptor Sewer Office of the City Clerk 65.9 KB HISTORY/673
Sewer - 1977 - August 09 - Warranty Deed From Elton L. Crow and Leila H. Crow To The City of Grand Junction and Mesa County Office of the City Clerk 193.2 KB HISTORY/674
Sewer - 1977 - August 10 - Warranty Deed From Elton Crow and Leila H. Crow To City of Grand Junction Office of the City Clerk 66.4 KB HISTORY/675
Sewer - 1977 - August 22 - Application for Site Approval of Sewage Collection Office of the City Clerk 841.8 KB HISTORY/676
Sewer - 1977 - August 23 - Letter From Connie McDonnough, City-County Dev. Dept., Describing Valleywide Sewer Committee Is Made Up of Individuals Representing All Sewer Districts and Depts. In The Valley, Appointed by Mesa County Commissioners and That Office of the City Clerk 377.8 KB HISTORY/677
Sewer - 1977 - August 24 - Letter From G. W. Klapwyk, Grand Valley Water Users' Association, To Evan Dildine, Colo Water Quality Control Commission, Clarfying 8/12/77 Office of the City Clerk 56.0 KB HISTORY/678