City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Sewer - 1985 - March 29 - Grand Junction Sewer System Analysis - Nichol's Associates, Inc. An Analysis Quantifying The Total System Flow and Flow In Various Collection Basins of The Persigo 201 Service Area for The Purpose of Identifying Total Non-waste Office of the City Clerk 83.8 KB HISTORY/559
Sewer - 1985 - April 04 - Memo From Achen To County Administrator Tiffany Re: Sewer Taps and Annexation, Achen Transmits Two Documents Which Cover Agreements Between The City and The County On The Issue of Annexation at The Time of Connection Office of the City Clerk 31.9 KB HISTORY/560
Sewer - 1985 - April 08 - Memo From Steven B. Johnson, Assistant County Attorney To Gordon Tiffany, Mark Eckert and Tom Douville Re: Persigo Sewer Plant Construction. Johnson Suggests That The County Be Formally Involved In The Acceptance of The Plant Office of the City Clerk 31.2 KB HISTORY/561
Sewer - 1985 - April 15 - Article From An Identified Newsletter (Perhaps County Administrator Newsletter) Entitled "Update On Anti-trust Laws" With Marginal Handwritten Notes Which Appear To be Written by Tom Douville Office of the City Clerk 46.4 KB HISTORY/562
Sewer - 1985 - April 16 - Memo From Mark Achen To John Tasker (City Finance Director) Re: Appleton Sewer District Funding. Mr. Achen Inquires as To The Intended Purpose of The $604,000 Budget Allocation at The Time The 1985 Budget Was Prepared. Office of the City Clerk 23.4 KB HISTORY/563
Sewer - 1985 - April 17 - Memo From Tom Douville Re: City/County Agreements Related To The Persigo Treatment Plant. The County Is Planning To Prepare A White Paper Concerning The City/County Agreements With Input From Steve Johnson and Tom Douville. Office of the City Clerk 30.0 KB HISTORY/564
Sewer - 1985 - May 14 - MCM85-38 City of Grand Junction Resolution 36-85 Joint Resolution of The City and County Accepting The Construction Off The Persigo Wash Wastewater Treatment Facility Office of the City Clerk 71.1 KB HISTORY/565
Sewer - 1985 - May 16 - Letter From Timothy Carlson, ARIX, To Mark Eckert, Asst. County Admin., Re Modification of Contract Requested by County Commissioners To Include Development of Computer Program To Monitor Interceptor System Office of the City Clerk 61.0 KB HISTORY/566
Sewer - 1985 - May 29 - Memo From County Administrator Mark Eckert To Bennett Boeschenstein, County Planning Department Re: 201 Service Area. Identification of Those Areas Within The Present 201 Service Area and To Which Sewer Lines Cannot Be Introduced Office of the City Clerk 22.8 KB HISTORY/567
Sewer - 1985 - May 31 - Original Draft Memo (And Copy of Draft Memo) From Mark Eckert, Asst. County Administrator To Mark Achen, Bob Evers and Gordon Tiffany, Making Recommendations and Comments as A Result of Meetings Between City and County Staff and Office of the City Clerk 65.5 KB HISTORY/568
Sewer - 1985 - June 07 - Letter Form John Tasker, City Finance Director To Bob Tallmadge - Tallmadge, Tallmade, Wallace & Hahn, P. C. Seeking Clarification: "Who Formally Adopts The Budget? Who Formally Adopts Any Changes In Rates Or Fees?" Office of the City Clerk 23.5 KB HISTORY/569
Sewer - 1985 - June 12 - Letter From Robert C. Tallmadge - Tallmadge, Tallmadge, Wallace & Hahn, P. C. To John Tasker, City Finance Director In Response To 6/7/85 Letter - The City Adopts The Budget Which Is Then Approved by The County. Office of the City Clerk 33.3 KB HISTORY/570
Sewer - 1985 - July 18 - Memo From John Tasker To Bob Evers, Attaching Memo From Sandi Glaze Re Sewer Charges Office of the City Clerk 26.6 KB HISTORY/571
Sewer - 1985 - December 01 - Memo From Tom Douville, Mesa County Health Department To Gordon Tiffany, County Administrator, Re: Request for Funds To Recover Costs of County's Involvement In Administration of Persigo System Operation Office of the City Clerk 40.5 KB HISTORY/572
Sewer - 1986 - January 21 - City of GJ Memo From Ralph Sterry To Jim Shanks Providing Info Re 201 Boundary To Help Answer Questions by The Public Office of the City Clerk 79.9 KB HISTORY/573