City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Power of Attorney - POA - 2544 D Road, Rosevale Extension - David and Leann Linscott Office of the City Clerk 143.2 KB POA/462
Power of Attorney - POA - 508 Tiara Drive Tiara Rado Subdivision Filing #4 Lot 1 of Block 8 2947-223-23-001 - Angela K. Loewen Office of the City Clerk 125.1 KB POA/463
Power of Attorney - POA - Lot 2, 25 Road Subdivision - Los Muleros, A Colorado Partnership, By: Jerome P. Fossenier Office of the City Clerk 96.4 KB POA/464
Power of Attorney - POA - 702 Galaxy - Lot 1, Block 2, Galaxy Subdivision - Emory and Lois Lovett, Jr. Office of the City Clerk 84.7 KB POA/465
Power of Attorney - POA - 686 - 25 1/2 Road - Marc S. Laird and Christi Ann Laird Office of the City Clerk 89.5 KB POA/466
Power of Attorney - POA - Les Miller and Theresa Miller Office of the City Clerk 95.1 KB POA/467
Power of Attorney - POA - 379 Rosevale Road, Rosevale Extension - Lonnie Metz and Teri Metz Office of the City Clerk 149.0 KB POA/468
Power of Attorney - POA - 515 28 1/2 Road 2943-073-19-001 - Levi Lucero and Bernice Lucero Office of the City Clerk 82.0 KB POA/469
Power of Attorney - POA - 28 1/2 Road - Levi Lucero Office of the City Clerk 71.1 KB POA/470
Power of Attorney - POA - 2296 Broadway - Helen G MacDonald, Michael S Mitchell, and Sarah E Mitchell Office of the City Clerk 139.3 KB POA/472
Power of Attorney - POA - Lot 21, Block 7, 259 Nashua Court - Joel Mahnke Office of the City Clerk 112.6 KB POA/473
Power of Attorney - POA - Crosby Road and Maldonado Street - Felix Maldonado and Seberina Maldonado Office of the City Clerk 73.8 KB POA/474
Power of Attorney - POA - 365 Rosevale Road - Bertha E Malcolm Office of the City Clerk 133.5 KB POA/475
Power of Attorney - POA - 715 Daniel Drive - Lot 14, Bellavista Subdivision Sec 36, Twsp 1N 1W - Richard J. and Margaret L. Mandeville Office of the City Clerk 102.5 KB POA/476
Power of Attorney - POA - Diamond Shamrock, 2530 South Broadway - Blanche E Mancuso Office of the City Clerk 94.9 KB POA/477