City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Contract - 2022 - Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) - To Purchase Multi-Passenger Bus or the Like to Transport Students - Eureka! McConnell Science Museum Office of the City Clerk 19.3 MB CCON/4818
Contract - 2022 - Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) - Repair and Rehabilitation Services for Mobile Homes Located in Grand Junction - Housing Resources of Western Colorado Office of the City Clerk 19.0 MB CCON/4820
Contract - 2022 - Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) - Emergency Subsistence Payments for Low and Moderate Income Families - Housing Resources of Western Colorado Office of the City Clerk 18.9 MB CCON/4821
Contract - 2022 - Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) - Critical Repair Services for Homes Located in Grand Junction - Housing Resources of Western Colorado Office of the City Clerk 19.0 MB CCON/4822
Contract - 2022 - Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) - Housing and Counseling and Education Support Services for Low and Moderate Income Households - Housing Resources of Western Colorado Office of the City Clerk 19.0 MB CCON/4823
Contract - 2022 - Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) - Rehabilitate the Pathways Shelter Located at 562 N. 29 Road - HomewardBound of the Grand Valley Office of the City Clerk 19.0 MB CCON/4824
Contract - 2022 - Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) - To Purchase Multi-Passenger Vehicle to Transport Students - Riverside Educational Center Office of the City Clerk 19.0 MB CCON/4825
Addendum No. 3 24 Road Multi-modal Path Construction IFB-5134-22-DD Purchasing 115.1 KB SOLDOC/25135
Forestry Advisory Board Agenda - 2022 - August 4 PARKS & RECREATION 1.4 MB QJVBAGD/2442
Forestry Advisory Board Agenda - 2022 - December 1 PARKS & RECREATION 528.7 KB QJVBAGD/2443
Forestry Advisory Board Agenda - 2022 - November 3 PARKS & RECREATION 391.3 KB QJVBAGD/2444
Forestry Advisory Board Agenda - 2022 - October 20 PARKS & RECREATION 423.9 KB QJVBAGD/2445
Forestry Advisory Board Agenda - 2022 - September 1 PARKS & RECREATION 428.4 KB QJVBAGD/2446
Forestry Advisory Board Minutes - 2021 - December 6 PARKS & RECREATION 187.0 KB VBMIN/6258
Forestry Advisory Board Minutes - 2021 - October 6 PARKS & RECREATION 250.8 KB VBMIN/6259