City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
City Council Minutes - 2024 - January 3 Regular Meeting Office of the City Clerk 164.9 KB CCMIN/5763
City Council Minutes - 2024 - January 3 - Special Meeting Office of the City Clerk 137.9 KB CCMIN/5764
City Council Summary - 2024 - January 8 - Workshop Office of the City Clerk 202.9 KB CCMIN/5765
City Council Agenda - 2024 - January 1 - Workshop - Cancelled Office of the City Clerk 78.8 KB CCAGD/1883
City Council Agenda - 2024 - January 8 - Workshop Office of the City Clerk 148.4 KB CCAGD/1884
Resolution No. 04-24 - 2024 - A Resolution Supporting an Application for a Community Impact Grant from the State Board of the Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) Trust Fund to Fund Outdoor Facilities at the Grand Junction Community Recreation Center (CRC) Office of the City Clerk 386.9 KB RESDOC/6547
Resolution No. 05-24 - 2024 - A Resolution Authorizing an Extension of the Easement Agreement Entered into with Transcolorado Gas Transmission Company in 1998 an Authorizing the City Manager to act to Finalize an Addendum to the Agreement Office of the City Clerk 2.9 MB RESDOC/6548
Resolution No. 06-24 - 2024 - A Resolution Supporting the Application for the FY 2023-2024 Peace Officers Behavioral Health Support and Community Partnership Grant (POMH) from the Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) Office of the City Clerk 425.8 KB RESDOC/6549
Redlands 360 Metropolitan District No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9 - 2024 - Transparency Notice Office of the City Clerk 625.8 KB SDREC/132
Site Visit Sign-In Sheet IFB-5368-24-KH Purchasing 244.2 KB SOLDOC/27652
Bid Tabulation IFB-5334-23-KH Purchasing 93.7 KB SOLDOC/27658
Liquor License Authority Agenda - 2024 - January 3 Office of the City Clerk 142.6 KB ADPROC/1261
Liquor License Authority Agenda - 2024 - January 17 Office of the City Clerk 143.5 KB ADPROC/1262
Liquor Licensing Authority Agenda - 2023 - October 4 Office of the City Clerk 167.7 KB ADPROC/1263
Liquor Licensing Authority Minutes - 2024 - January 3 Office of the City Clerk 771.7 KB ADPROC/1264