City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Contract - 2024 - Letter of Intent Regarding 450 28 Road (Salt Flats) to Ray Rickard, RE/MAX 4000, Inc. - EN-Sim QOF, LLC Office of the City Clerk 2.6 MB CCON/5024
Proclamation - Tiger Day - 2024 Office of the City Clerk 324.4 KB PROCL/918
Deed (Warranty) - 2422 Patterson Rd. - Public Roadway and Utility Purposes - CFT NV Developments, LLC Office of the City Clerk 1.2 MB DDOC/2180
Resolution No. 19-24 - 2024 - A Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Real Property Located at 756 Chipeta Avenue, Grand Junction, Colorado, From New Direction Trust Company and Ratifying Actions Heretofore Taken in Connection Therewith Office of the City Clerk 6.5 MB RESDOC/6560
Resolution No. 20-24 - 2024 - A Resolution to Amend Resolutions 20-23 and 39-23 Concerning a Grant Award to Housing Resources of Western Colorado/Com Act Housing Corporation and to Authorize the City Manager to Make a Second Grant Award to Housing Resources of Western Colorado/Com Act Housing Corporation in Support of the Meridian Park Affordable Housing Project Office of the City Clerk 344.2 KB RESDOC/6561
Resolution No. 21-24 - 2024 - Resolution Amending Resolution 90-21 Concerning Naming Opioid Settlement Abatement Fund Council Designees Office of the City Clerk 177.5 KB RESDOC/6562
Resolution No. 22-24 - 2024 - A Resolution Accepting a Petition for the Annexation of Lands to the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, Making Certain Findings, and Determining that Property Known as the Fire Station No. 7 Annexation Approximately 3.744 Acres Located on Property at 2351 H Road is Eligible for Annexation Office of the City Clerk 540.1 KB RESDOC/6563
Resolution No. 23-24 - 2024 - A Resolution Confirming the Letter of Intent for the Possible Acquisition of Real Property Located Near 450 28 Road From En-Sim QOF LLC and Acknowledging Certain Actions Heretofore Taken, to Be Taken and Directing Further Actions in Connection Therewith Office of the City Clerk 2.3 MB RESDOC/6564
Resolution No. 24-24 - 2024 - A Resolution Supporting a Financial Commitment of $1,000,000 in Support of the Colorado River District Effort to Acquire the Shoshone Water Right Office of the City Clerk 550.3 KB RESDOC/6565
One Riverfront Agenda - 2024 - April 8 Office of the City Clerk 145.1 KB VBAGD/1183