City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Ordinance No. 0272 - 1918 Office of the City Clerk 96.6 KB ORD/79
Ordinance No. 0285 (Word Version) - 1919 Office of the City Clerk 25.5 KB ORD/106
Ordinance No. 0296 - 1920 - An ordinance approving the whole cost of the improvements made in and for Intercepting Sewer District Number Six, in the city of Grand Junction, Colorado, pursuant to ordinance No. 178 as amended, and pursuant to the resolutions and proceedings of the City Council, adopted pursuant to said ordinance No. 178 as amended, approving the apportionment of said cost to each lot or tract of land in said district; assess-lot or tract of land in said district and prescribing the manner for the collection and payment of said assessment Office of the City Clerk 70.4 KB ORD/125
Ordinance No. 0613 (Word Version) - 1939 Office of the City Clerk 25.5 KB ORD/758
Ordinance No. 0811 (Word Version) - 1950 Office of the City Clerk 23.0 KB ORD/1156
Ordinance No. 0894 (Word Version) - 1954 Office of the City Clerk 13.5 KB ORD/1322
Ordinance No. 1062 (Word Version) - 1958 Office of the City Clerk 12.5 KB ORD/1662
Ordinance No. 2355 (Word Version) - 1987 Office of the City Clerk 30.5 KB ORD/4257
Ordinance No. 2612 - 1992 Office of the City Clerk 45.9 KB ORD/4766
Ordinance No. 3017 - 1997 Office of the City Clerk 224.3 KB ORD/5546
Ordinance No. 3034 (Word Version) - 1997 Office of the City Clerk 13.5 KB ORD/5581
Ordinance No. 3287 - 2000 Office of the City Clerk 96.7 KB ORD/6088
Ordinance No. 3526 - 2003 Office of the City Clerk 43.1 KB ORD/6562
Ordinance No. 3544 - 2003 Office of the City Clerk 374.3 KB ORD/6598
Ordinance No. 3555 (Word Version) - 2003 Office of the City Clerk 35.5 KB ORD/6621