City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Contract - 1965 - Operation and Maintenance for Indian Wash Project - Soil Conservation Service United States Department of Agriculture, Upper Grand Valley Soil Conservation District and Mesa County Office of the City Clerk 754.4 KB CCON/2397
City Council Minutes - 2012 - April 30 - Executive Session Office of the City Clerk 70.0 KB CCMIN/3565
City Council Minutes - 2012 - May 02 - Regular Meeting Office of the City Clerk 189.7 KB CCMIN/3566
Resolution No. 18-12 (Word Version) - 2012 Office of the City Clerk 241.0 KB RESDOC/4835
Permits - Fence - folder 11 of 24 Community Development 0 bytes PERMITS/1-11
Permits - Fence - folder 12 of 24 Community Development 0 bytes PERMITS/1-12
Permits - Fence - folder 13 of 24 Community Development 0 bytes PERMITS/1-13
Permits - Fence - folder 14 of 24 Community Development 0 bytes PERMITS/1-14
Permits - Fence - folder 15 of 24 Community Development 0 bytes PERMITS/1-15
Permits - Fence - folder 16 of 24 Community Development 0 bytes PERMITS/1-16
Permits - Fence - folder 17 of 24 Community Development 0 bytes PERMITS/1-17
Ordinance No. 4529 (Word Version) - 2012 Office of the City Clerk 949.0 KB ORD/8675
Ordinance No. 4530 (Word Version) - 2012 Office of the City Clerk 848.5 KB ORD/8677
Ordinance No. 4531 (Word Version) - 2012 Office of the City Clerk 820.0 KB ORD/8679
Ordinance No. 4532 (Word Version) - 2012 Office of the City Clerk 790.0 KB ORD/8681