City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Contract - 2012 - Right-of-Way Grant Temporary Use Permit Rights for Installation and Maintenance of Leach Creek Detention Pond - Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Office of the City Clerk 2.8 MB CCON/3025
Downtown Development Authority (DDA) Board Minutes - 2013 - November 14 Office of the City Clerk 126.3 KB VBMIN/4612
Downtown Development Authority (DDA) Board Agenda - 2013 - December 12 Office of the City Clerk 219.5 KB QJVBAGD/718
Horizon Drive Association Business Improvement District Board Minutes - 2013 - October 16 Office of the City Clerk 411.6 KB VBMIN/6158
Downtown Development Authority (DDA) Board Agenda - 2013 - January 10 Office of the City Clerk 224.5 KB QJVBAGD/720
Grand Junction Regional Airport Authority Board Agenda - 2013 - December 3 Office of the City Clerk 553.0 KB QJVBAGD/721
Grand Junction Regional Airport Authority Board Agenda - 2013 - December 17 Office of the City Clerk 626.0 KB QJVBAGD/722
Grand Junction Regional Airport Authority Board Agenda - 2013 - November 19 Office of the City Clerk 534.2 KB QJVBAGD/723
Grand Junction Regional Airport Authority Board Agenda - 2013 - October 29 Office of the City Clerk 546.1 KB QJVBAGD/724
Grand Junction Regional Airport Authority Board Minutes - 2013 - October 8 Office of the City Clerk 734.2 KB QJVBAGD/725
Grand Junction Regional Airport Authority Board Minutes - 2013 - October 29 Office of the City Clerk 732.0 KB QJVBAGD/726