City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Deed (Warranty) - 2801 D Road - Riverside Parkway Project - Carl A. and Noreen E. Cox - Parcel F-69 Office of the City Clerk 530.1 KB DDOC/2056
Deed (Quit Claim) - 2801 D Road - Riverside Parkway Project - Carl A. and Noreen E. Cox - Parcel F-69 Office of the City Clerk 470.3 KB DDOC/2057
Easement - Multipurpose - 2801 D Road - Riverside Parkway Project - Carl A. and Noreen E. Cox - Parcel PE F-69 Office of the City Clerk 551.2 KB EPDOC/1398
Deed (Quit Claim) - Riverside Parkway Project - Rudolph R and Clarice E. Ortego - Parcel F-62 Rev 2 Office of the City Clerk 462.5 KB DDOC/2058
Easement - Multipurpose - 2913 D Road - Riverside Parkway Project - Rudolph R. and Clarice E. Ortego - Parcel PE-62 Rev Office of the City Clerk 555.3 KB EPDOC/1399
Easement - Utilities - Along D Road - Riverside Parkway Project - Union Pacific Railroad - Company - Parcel PE F-58 Office of the City Clerk 1.1 MB EPDOC/1400
Deed (Warranty) - 1555 W. Independent Avenue - Riverside Parkway Project - McCallum Family, LLC and Chris McCallum, LLP - Parcel B-11 Office of the City Clerk 434.3 KB DDOC/2059
Easement (Multipurpose) - 739 Kimball Avenue - Riverside Parkway Project - Eugene R. Kefalas - Parcel PE E-96 Office of the City Clerk 302.8 KB EPDOC/1401
Deed (Warranty) - 860 Struthers Avenue - Riverside Parkway Project - Steve Voytilla - Parcel E-73 Office of the City Clerk 724.0 KB DDOC/2060
Deed (Warranty) - 836 Struthers Avenue - Riverside Parkway Project - Gilbert A., Joseph A. and Priscilla M. Lopez - Parcel E-72 Office of the City Clerk 2.5 MB DDOC/2061
Deed (Warranty) - 818, 820, & 832 Struthers Avenue - Riverside Parkway Project - John R. Crouch, Jr. - Parcel E-69, E-70, & E-71 Office of the City Clerk 289.1 KB DDOC/2062
Deed (Warranty) - 758 Struthers Avenue - Riverside Parkway Project - Rose M. Reed - Parcel E-68 Office of the City Clerk 281.2 KB DDOC/2063
Grand Junction Commission on Arts and Culture Minutes - 2017 - April 26 PARKS & RECREATION 98.1 KB VBMIN/5261
PRAB Minutes - 2017 - April 27 PARKS & RECREATION 220.4 KB VBMIN/5284
City History - Narrative Regarding Crown Point Cemetery - 1904 - 1988 Office of the City Clerk 659.6 KB HISTORY/1168