City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Resolution No. 69-22 - 2022 - A Resolution Calling a Special Election in the City of Grand Junction, Colorado Concerning and Providing for the Submission to the Electorate on November 8, 2022 Office of the City Clerk 1020.2 KB RESDOC/6351
Resolution No. 74-22 - 2022 - A Resolution Creating New Infill Incentives Office of the City Clerk 2.1 MB RESDOC/6352
Resolution No. 76-22 - 2022 - A Resolution Referring a Petition to the City Council for the Annexation of Lands To The City Of Grand Junction, Colorado, Setting A Hearing On Such Annexation, and Exercising Land Use Control C ½ Road Gravel Pit Annexation Approximately 27.83 Acres Located At 2855 C ½ Road Office of the City Clerk 1.4 MB RESDOC/6353
Ordinance No. 5089 - 2022 - An Ordinance Authorizing and Confirming a Redevelopment Agreement by and Among Conjunction Junction LLC, a Colorado Limited Liability Company, (“Conjunction”), the City of Grand Junction, a Colorado Home Rule Municipal Corporation (“City”), and the Downtown Grand Junction Development Authority, a Body Corporate and Politic of the State of Colorado (“Authority”) for the Property Located at 200 Rood Avenue, Grand Junction, Colorado and Ratifying All Actions Heretofore Taken in Connection Therewith Office of the City Clerk 31.6 MB ORD/9895
Ordinance No. 5095 - 2022 - An Ordinance Rezoning Lot 2 of Morse Subdivision 2981 B ½ Rd from R-4 (Residential 4 du/ac) to R-8 (Residential 8 du/ac) Office of the City Clerk 663.1 KB ORD/9896
Attachment A - General Use Tax Return RFI-5120-22-DD Purchasing 116.9 KB SOLDOC/24638
Attachment B - Sales Tax Return RFI-5120-22-DD Purchasing 66.9 KB SOLDOC/24639
Attachment C - Enhanced 911 Fee Return RFI-5120-22-DD Purchasing 200.6 KB SOLDOC/24640