City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Resolution No. 79-22 - A Resolution Supporting the Application for the FY 2022-2023 Peace Officers Behavioral Health Support and Community Partnership Grant from the Colorado Department of Local Affairs Office of the City Clerk 579.4 KB RESDOC/6375
Resolution No. 80-22 - A Resolution Accepting a Petition for the C 1/2 Road Gravel Pit Annexation Located on Properties at 2855 C ½ Road Total Approximately 27.83 Acres is Eligible for Annexation Office of the City Clerk 1.1 MB RESDOC/6376
Ordinance No. 5102 - An Ordinance Rezoning Lot 1, 2, 3, and the West 10.9 Feet of Lot 4 in Block 2 of De Voe Subdivision Located at 1313 Bunting Avenue from R-16 (Residential 16 Du/Ac) to MXR-3 (Mixed Use Residential-3, Low Intensity) Office of the City Clerk 690.7 KB ORD/9902
Ordinance No. 5103 - An Ordinance Rezoning Lot 3, Caldwell Subdivision at 609 24 Rd from C-2 (General Commercial) to C-1 (Light Commercial) Office of the City Clerk 644.9 KB ORD/9903
Ordinance No. 5104 - An Ordinance Annexing Territory to the City of Grand Junction, Colorado C ½ Road Gravel Pit Annexation Located on Properties at 2855 C ½ Road Approximately 27.83 Acres Office of the City Clerk 2.1 MB ORD/9904
Ordinance No. 5105 - An Ordinance Zoning C ½ Road Gravel Pit Annexation to CSR (Community Services And Recreation) Zone District Located on Properties at 2855 C ½ Road Office of the City Clerk 1.3 MB ORD/9905
Ordinance No. 5106 - An Ordinance Approving Loans from the Colorado Water Conservation Board to Finance Improvements to the City’s Water System; Authorizing the Form and Execution of Loan Contracts and Promissory Notes to Evidence Such Loans and Security Agreements Office of the City Clerk 3.3 MB ORD/9906
Ordinance No. 5107 - 2022 - An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2 Section 20.040(D) of the Grand Junction Municipal Code Relating to Municipal Campaign Finance Office of the City Clerk 1.2 MB ORD/9907
Liquor Resolution 06-22 - 2022 - Rocky Mountain Goat, LLC dba Brick on Main Office of the City Clerk 548.4 KB RESDOC/6377
Addendum 1 Annual Traffic Control RFP-5119-22-SH Purchasing 88.3 KB SOLDOC/24960