City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Resolution No. 58-23 - 2023 - A Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of the Real Property Located at 2351 H Road, Grand Junction, Colorado, from Donna Jean Owen as Attorney in Fact for Frances R. Hayes Office of the City Clerk 6.6 MB RESDOC/6480
Attachment A - Construction Drawings Purchasing 5.7 MB SOLDOC/26723
Resolution No. 63-23 - 2023 - A Resolution Regarding the Grand Junction Fire Department and the Clifton Fire Protection District Cooperative Services Study and Making Findings and Ratifying Actions Heretofore Taken in Connection Therewith Including Declining a Cooperative Services Agreement Between the Department and District Office of the City Clerk 376.2 KB RESDOC/6481
Resolution No. 64-23 - 2023 - A Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Make a Commitment to Increase Affordable Housing Units in the City of Grand Junction Pursuant to Proposition 123 Office of the City Clerk 353.7 KB RESDOC/6482
Resolution No. 65-23 - 2023 - A Resolution Amending Resolutions Nos. 48-22 and 97-22 Concerning the Grand Junction Housing Goal and Definitions Office of the City Clerk 388.9 KB RESDOC/6483
Resolution No. 66-23 - 2023 - A Resolution Authorizing Payment for the Acquisition of Real Property Located in the City of Grand Junction Colorado for Four Units of Affordable Housing in Accordance with Resolution No. 30-23 Establishing the Land and Building Acquisition Program Office of the City Clerk 307.8 KB RESDOC/6484
Ordinance No. 5166 - 2023 - An Ordinance Making Supplemental Appropriations to the 2023 Budget of the City of Grand Junction, Colorado for the Year Beginning January 1, 2023 and Ending December 31, 2023 for the Community Recreation Center and the Grand Junction Regional Communication Center Office of the City Clerk 314.4 KB ORD/9965
Attachment B - Material Specifications Purchasing 6.9 MB SOLDOC/26724
Solicitation IFB-5286-23-KH Purchasing 474.6 KB SOLDOC/26725
Forestry Advisory Board Agenda - 2023 - April 6 PARKS & RECREATION 386.3 KB QJVBAGD/2574
Forestry Advisory Board Agenda - 2023 - August 1 PARKS & RECREATION 406.6 KB QJVBAGD/2575
Forestry Advisory Board Agenda - 2023 - February 2 PARKS & RECREATION 544.6 KB QJVBAGD/2576
Forestry Advisory Board Agenda - 2023 - January 13 PARKS & RECREATION 459.2 KB QJVBAGD/2577
Forestry Advisory Board Agenda - 2023 - July 6 PARKS & RECREATION 410.6 KB QJVBAGD/2578
Forestry Advisory Board Agenda - 2023 - June 1 PARKS & RECREATION 4.2 MB QJVBAGD/2579