City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Resolution No. 39-22 - 2022 - A Resolution Supporting the Grant Application for Revitalizing Main Streets Opportunity 1 Grant Program for Crosby Avenue Reconstruction Office of the City Clerk 777.7 KB RESDOC/6307
Resolution No. 41-22 - 2022 - A Resolution Ratifying the Sale Agreement for 2600 Riverside Parkway Office of the City Clerk 13.5 MB RESDOC/6308
Resolution No. 42-22 - 2022 - A Resolution Approving a Conveyance of a Utility Easement to Cindy Coop Across City Property/Property Located at/in the Vicinity of 4901 Purdy Mesa Road Office of the City Clerk 1.1 MB RESDOC/6309
Resolution No. 43-22 - 2022 - A Resolution Accepting a Petition for the Annexation of Lands to the City of Grand Junction, Colorado, Making Certain Findings, and Determining that Property Known as the Twenty Eighty Broadway Annexation Approximately 2.37 Office of the City Clerk 817.8 KB RESDOC/6310
Resolution No. 44-22 - 2022 - A Resolution Appointing and Assigning City Councilmembers to Represent the City on Various Boards, Committees, Commissions, Authorities, and Organizations Office of the City Clerk 1.3 MB RESDOC/6311
Liquor Licensing Authority Minutes - 2022 - May 18 Office of the City Clerk 2.1 MB ADPROC/1169
Resolution No. 40-22 - 2022 - A Resolution to Appoint a Hearing Officer for the Cannabis Licensing Authority - RESCINDED 6/1/22 - RESOLUTION NO. 46-22 Office of the City Clerk 401.3 KB RESDOC/6312
Ordinance No. 5071 - 2022 - An Ordinance to Amend and Reenact Ordinance 4833 Regarding Camping on Public Property/Public Places with the Elimination and Satisfaction of the Sunset Clause Office of the City Clerk 892.8 KB ORD/9873
Ordinance No. 5072 - 2022 - An Ordinance Annexing Territory to the City of Grand Junction, Colorado Twenty Eighty Broadway Annexation Approximately 2.37 Acres Located at 2080 Broadway Office of the City Clerk 1.4 MB ORD/9874
Ordinance No. 5073 - 2022 - An Ordinance Zoning Twenty Eighty Broadway Annexation Located on a Property at 2080 Broadway to R-5 (Residential – 5 du/ac) Zone District Office of the City Clerk 1.0 MB ORD/9875
Proclamation - Immigrant Heritage Month - 2022 Office of the City Clerk 573.6 KB PROCL/843