City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Contract - 2023 - Grant Funding Award and Agreement for Grand Junction Police Department (GJPD) Beat Auto Theft Through Law Enforcement (BATTLE) Task Force - Colorado State Patrol (CSP) Office of the City Clerk 695.5 KB CCON/4975
Downtown Grand Junction Business Improvement District (BID) Board Agenda - 2023 - November 2 Office of the City Clerk 201.8 KB QJVBAGD/2651
Contract - 2024 - Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) to Install New Fiber Link to Replace Microwave Antenna and Related Equipment at 222 S. 6th Street - Department of Personnel & Administration - City of Grand Junction for use and benefit of Grand Junction Emergency Telephone Service Authority (GJETSAB) and Grand Junction Regional Communication Center (GJRCC) Office of the City Clerk 1.2 MB CCON/4976
Contract - 2024 - Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Establishing General Working Relationships Between the Western Colorado Healthcare System (WCHCS) Police Service and the Grand Junction Police Department (GJPD) Reinforcing Interagency Coordination - US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Western Colorado Healthcare System and Grand Junction Police Department Office of the City Clerk 223.7 KB CCON/4977
City Council Minutes - 2024 - January 17 - Regular Meeting Office of the City Clerk 114.6 KB CCMIN/5766
City Council Minutes - 2024 - January 30 - Special Meeting Office of the City Clerk 126.2 KB CCMIN/5767
Attachment A - Identified Targeted Locations IFB-5369-24-KH Purchasing 2.1 MB SOLDOC/27809
Contract - 2024 - Agreement Regarding Department of Revenue Sales and Use Tax Software (SUTS System) - City of Grand Junction and Colorado Department of Revenue Office of the City Clerk 2.0 MB CCON/4983
Resolution No. 08-24 - 2024 - Authorizing the City Manager to Expend American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds in Support of Colorado Mesa University’s Master of Social Work Student Loan Repayment Program in Support of the Offering of Mental Health Programs and Services to the Community Office of the City Clerk 317.0 KB RESDOC/6551
Resolution No. 09-24 - 2024 - A Resolution Amending Resolution 107-23 Establishing Various Municipal Fees, Rates and Charges Office of the City Clerk 268.2 KB RESDOC/6552
Resolution No. 10-24 - 2024 - A Resolution Supporting the Application for the Local Planning Capacity Grant Program from the Department of Local Affairs Office of the City Clerk 310.3 KB RESDOC/6553
One Riverfront Agenda - 2024 - February 12 Office of the City Clerk 121.3 KB VBAGD/1158
Contract - 2024 - Municipal Code Conversion to XML Services (eMigrate/eCode360) with Enhanced Graphics Amendment - General Code Office of the City Clerk 2.6 MB CCON/4999
One Riverfront Minutes - 2023 - December 4 Office of the City Clerk 728.6 KB VBMIN/6419
One Riverfront Subcommittee Updates - 2024 - February 12 Office of the City Clerk 310.6 KB VBMIN/6420