Liquor License Authority Agenda - 2023 - January 18
Friday, January 13, 2023 at 1:19 PM
Friday, January 20, 2023 at 10:43 AM
OCC - Administrative Proceeding
ADPROC/1203 (Show all versions )
040.010 Administrative Proceedings Records (TRIM rt) Notes: CMRRS RECORD DEFINITION: Records of formal administrative proceedings conducted by staff or an administrative hearing officer (possibly subject to appeal to the governing body or the courts) to make administrative rulings or determinations regarding a variety of matters (examples: sales tax exemptions, nuisance abatements, stormwater appeals, minor personnel matters not otherwise covered by the retention manual). CMRRS RETENTION: 3 years after proceeding concludes, provided that all rights of appeal have expired CITY RETENTION: Permanent per City Clerk TRIM record type = OCC - Administrative Proceeding (since no one else is currently TRIMming these records) CITY PROCEEDINGS PER CITY CLERK: * Administrative Court Hearings - Joanna Adams * Distraint Hearings * Liquor Hearings - City Clerk * Personnel Hearings - Claudia Hazelhurst Action Summary: Keep Forever
Make Inactive: No Relevant Triggers Disposal Type: No Relevant Triggers
No Relevant Triggers
Friday, March 14, 2025 at 10:36 PM