City of Grand Junction Public Records Search

Downtown Grand Junction Business Improvement District (BID) Board AGENDAS Folder







QJVBAGD/1006: Downtown Development Authority (DDA) Board Agenda - 2015 - April 23 - Joint Meeting QJVBAGD/1288: Downtown Development Authority (DDA) & Business Improvement District (BID) Joint Board Retreat Agenda - 2016 - January 19 QJVBAGD/1516: Downtown Development Authority (DDA) -Downtown Grand Junction Business Improvement District (BID) Board Retreat Agenda - 2017 - January 31 QJVBAGD/1602: Downtown Development Authority (DDA) - Downtown Grand Junction Business Improvement District (BID) Board Retreat Agenda - 2018 - February 21 - Cancelled QJVBAGD/1662: Downtown Development Authority (DDA) - Downtown Grand Junction Business Improvement District (DGJBID) - Board Agenda - 2014 - November 13 - Joint Work Session with City Council QJVBAGD/1987: Downtown Development Authority (DDA) /Downtown Business Improvement District (BID) Board Agenda - 2020 - March 12 - canceled QJVBAGD/1988: Downtown Development Authority (DDA) /Downtown Business Improvement District (BID) Board Retreat Agenda - 2020 - March 05 QJVBAGD/2069: Downtown Development Authority (DDA) Board and Downtown Grand Junction Business Improvement District (BID) Board Agenda - 2020 - August 13 - Canceled QJVBAGD/2371: Downtown Grand Junction DDA/BID Agenda - 2022 - February 10 - Board Retreat