City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Contract - 2003 - Infrastructure Management Software System - GBA Master Series, Inc. Office of the City Clerk 585.3 KB CCON/1321
Contract - 2005 - VCB Marketing Services for The Gallery Bed and Breakfast Office of the City Clerk (Destroyed) 0 bytes CCON/1322
Contract - 2006 - VCB Marketing Services for The Gallery Bed and Breakfast Office of the City Clerk (Destroyed) 0 bytes CCON/1323
Contract - 2010 - Slow Fill Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Fill Stations Construction Grant - State of Colorado Governor's Energy Office (GEO) Office of the City Clerk 1.4 MB CCON/1329
Contract - 1994 - Fire Response, Fire Prevention, Fire Inspection, Rescue and Emergency Medical Response by The City Within The District for The Period January 1, 1994 Through December 31, 1994 - Grand Junction Rural Fire Protection District Office of the City Clerk 222.9 KB CCON/1331
Contract - 1978 - Construction of Sewage Collection System for Regional Shopping Center Located On F Road Between 24 and 24 1/2 Roads (Mesa Mall), Connecting To The 25 1/2 Road Sewage Line - General Growth Properties Office of the City Clerk 286.3 KB CCON/1332
Contract - 2005 - Operate and Maintain a Drainage Facility Known as the IDI Drain From D Road Proceeding South Within 15th Street To The Colorado River - The Grand Junction Drainage District Office of the City Clerk 489.7 KB CCON/1335
Contract - 1950 - Buthorn Waste and Drainage Ditch and Storm Sewer - Grand Junction Drainage District, Mesa County, and Brownson and Company Office of the City Clerk 188.2 KB CCON/1336
Contract - 1974 - Memorandum of Agreement for Maintenance of Pumping Station In Mesa Gardens (Alley Between Grand and Ouray Avenues, and Between 22nd and 23rd Streets) To Reduce Water Table - Grand Junction Drainage District by B. L. Alexander Office of the City Clerk 94.4 KB CCON/1337
Contract - 2006 - Leveraging Public and Private Contributions To Finance Location of Businesses To Mesa County, Improve Competitiveness and Spur Growth of Grand Junction Economy - Grand Junction Economic Partnership Office of the City Clerk (Destroyed) 0 bytes CCON/1338
Contract - 1998 - Fire Response, Fire Prevention, Fire Inspection, Rescue and Emergency Medical Response - Grand Junction Rural Fire Protection District Office of the City Clerk 389.1 KB CCON/1344
Contract - 1999 - Fire Response, Prevention, Inspection, Rescue and Emergency Medical Response and Service In Rural District - Grand Junction Rural Fire Protection District Office of the City Clerk 376.8 KB CCON/1345
Contract - 2004 - Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds for 90 Housing Units at 276 Linden Avenue (PY 2003) - Grand Junction Housing Authority Office of the City Clerk (Destroyed) 0 bytes CCON/1346
Contract - 2006 - Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds for Property Acquisition at 2150 Grand Avenue - Grand Junction Housing Authority Office of the City Clerk 562.1 KB CCON/1347
Contract - 2007 - Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds for the Acquisition of Lot 2 of Village Park Subdivision (PY 2006) - Grand Junction Housing Authority Office of the City Clerk 601.5 KB CCON/1349