City of Grand Junction Public Records Search
Title Owner Size Record Number
Contract - 2012 - Road Use Agreement for the Use and Benefit of Grand Junction Regional Communication Center for Access to Communication Tower - Shell Frontier Oil and Gas Inc. Office of the City Clerk 141.4 KB CCON/2271
Riverview Technology Corporation MINUTES Folder Office of the City Clerk 0 bytes VBFLDR/23
Utility Committee MINUTES Folder Office of the City Clerk 0 bytes VBFLDR/24
Urban Trails Committee MINUTES Folder Office of the City Clerk 0 bytes VBFLDR/25
Contract - 2005 - Riverside Parkway Project - Memorandum of Agreement for the Purchase of Property for Road Right-of-Way and Multipurpose Easements - 2767 D Road - Debra Rockwell Office of the City Clerk (Destroyed) 0 bytes CCON/2272
Downtown Grand Junction Business Improvement District (BID) Board MINUTES Folder Office of the City Clerk 0 bytes VBFLDR/26
Ridges Architectural Control Committee MINUTES Folder Office of the City Clerk 0 bytes VBFLDR/27
Grand Junction Colorado State Leasing Authority Board MINUTES Folder Office of the City Clerk 0 bytes VBFLDR/28
Old/New Hire POLICE Pension Board MINUTES Folder Office of the City Clerk 0 bytes VBFLDR/29
Old Hire Police Pension Board Minutes - 2000 - January 7 Office of the City Clerk 82.5 KB VBMIN/3508
Old Hire Police Pension Board Minutes - 2001 - January 9 Office of the City Clerk 107.1 KB VBMIN/3509
Old Hire Police Pension Board Minutes - 2002 - January 10 Office of the City Clerk 115.4 KB VBMIN/3510
City Council Agenda - 2012 - January 23 - Standing Additional Workshop Office of the City Clerk 24.4 KB CCAGD/912
Downtown Grand Junction Business Improvement District (BID) Board AGENDAS Folder Office of the City Clerk 0 bytes VBFLDR/34
Urban Trails Committee AGENDAS Folder Office of the City Clerk 0 bytes VBFLDR/37