City Council Minutes - 1923 - March 14 - Regular Meeting
City Council Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 at 6:31 PM
Tuesday, December 6, 2011 at 5:51 PM
OCC - Council Minutes
CCMIN/547 (Show all versions )
045.090 Governing Body Minutes and Supporting Documentation (TRIM rt) Notes: MASTER RECORD OWNERSHIP: CITY CLERK CMRRS RECORD DEFINITION: Official record of the proceedings of the governing body and supporting documentation of a substantive nature such as exhibits referenced in the minutes. CMRRS RETENTION: Permanent, provided that routine material submitted at meetings may be destroyed after 2 years as long as summary description is included in the minutes [Important Note: Minutes of the governing body are considered to be essential municipal records, and the State Archives therefore recommends that the "record" copy be retained in paper format.] TRIM record type = OCC - Council Minutes Action Summary: Keep Forever
Make Inactive: No Relevant Triggers Disposal Type: No Relevant Triggers
No Relevant Triggers
Sunday, March 16, 2025 at 8:41 PM